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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The deputy chief minister was accompanied by senior government officials and contractors during the inspection held on December 13.

Deputy Chief Minister in-charge Urban Affairs Sniawbhalang Dhar has reviewed progress of the construction of four out of seventeen projects sanctioned under the Smart City project.

The four projects are Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC) and Smart Elements, Retrofitting and upgrade of 3-multilevel parking at various locations in Shillong, construction of commercial complex at Polo and re-development of Laitumkhrah Municipal Market.

The deputy chief minister was accompanied by senior government officials and contractors during the inspection held on December 13.

Dhar informed that the physical progress in as far as ICCC project is concerned is at 75 per cent and the targeted date of completion has been fixed on March 31, 2024. The total project cost is Rs 212.82 crore.

Of this, Rs 139.12 crore has been paid to the contractor, Nice Infotech.

The deputy chief minister also informed that the progress of work in regard to the retrofitting and upgrade of the 3-multilevel parking at various locations in Shillong is only at 22 per cent.

“Rs 6.27 crore of the total project cost of Rs 46 crore has been released to the contractor (Avantika Contractor Limited),” he said.

The capacity of multilevel parking will be for 252 cars, 87 buses and 65 trucks. The project is targeted to be completed by March 31, 2025.

In regard to the construction of the Polo commercial complex, Dhar said that the physical progress is at 70 per cent and Rs 52.63 crore of Rs 100.33 crore has been released to the contractor (Badri Rai and Company). The commercial complex at Polo will have 94 shops and a parking space for 100 vehicles. He said that the project is expected to be completed by June 30, 2024.

He further informed that the completion of the re-development of Laitumkhrah Municipal Market has been set for June 30, 2024. The project has registered a work progress of 65 per cent.

“We have so far released almost Rs 20.76 crore of Rs 38.20 crore to the contractor (M/s Collinstar Sawkmie of M/s Shrolenson Marbaniang (JV)),” he said. According to him, the Laitumkhrah market will have 183 shops as well as a parking space for 100 vehicles.


Quelle/Source: The Meghalayan, 16.12.2023

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