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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

In a groundbreaking development, Zoram Medical College and Civil Hospital Aizawl have been equipped with two cutting-edge 5G-enabled Advanced Life Support (ALS) Ambulances, a generous contribution by the Smart Cities Mission.

Under the Smart Cities Mission, a total of eight such high-tech ambulances will be allocated to eight healthcare facilities in Aizawl, extending their benefits to both public and private hospitals.

Mentions must be made that the 5G-enabled ALS Ambulance, furnished by Aizawl Smart City Limited, stands as the first of its kind in Mizoram. Each ambulance is equipped with a defibrillator, cardiac monitor, transport ventilator, syringe infusion pump, video and audio conference devices for doctors to assist paramedics while transporting patients under critical conditions, portable oxygen, spinal board, and scoop stretchers, among other equipment inside the vehicle.

This commendable endeavour primarily aims to provide vital assistance to patients in dire medical situations by ensuring they receive necessary treatment on time while being transported to the hospital in case of emergencies, ultimately saving lives and fostering a safer, healthier community.


Quelle/Source: North East Today, 07.10.2023

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