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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Tuesday said Jammu and Kashmir has set a new benchmark in e-governance service delivery with 1,016 services made available online to people in the Union Territory.

He said J-K is the first among all states and UTs in the number of e-services being provided to citizens.

It is a milestone achievement in tune with the commitment and resolve of the J-K administration to provide ease, convenience and accessibility of services to the common man ushering in a new era of digital governance, Sinha said.

“J-K creates a new benchmark in e-governance service delivery with 1,016 services now made available online. Digital transformation of the UT is guided by the principle of people-first and our aim to empower the common man. This historic achievement is testimony to our commitment to transform the social landscape and enhance citizens’ satisfaction, ensure transparency and accountability in the system and empower the aspirational and talented youth and women,” the LG said.

“There has been a palpable reduction in corruption and increase in citizen satisfaction, which is being regularly monitored through a citizen feedback mechanism,” he added.

Integration with systems like Digilocker, Aadhaar, e-payment/SMS gateways has enhanced the ease of living and convenience of citizens obviating the need to visit government offices, Sinha said.

“The seriousness of the government’s resolve can be gauged from the fact that the Public Services Guarantee Act (PSGA), 2011 has been amended to bring online services under its ambit. Around 300 services have been brought under the auto-escalation mechanism for ensuring time-bound delivery of services and penalties for delays in service delivery,” he said.

Sinha said taking a leap forward in mobile governance, the recently launched mobile application “Mobile Dost” provides all online services through mobile phones and has a bilingual interface.

Moving towards digital inclusion, another landmark initiative is the launch of “Digi-Dost” — a mechanism for doorstep delivery of citizen-centric services by leveraging the ubiquitous presence of Common Services Centres (CSC), he added.


Quelle/Source: Daily Excelsior, 29.08.2023

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