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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Local technology entrepreneurs or technopreneurs, participants of ICT projects, are set for Incredible India 2003 Trade and Investment Exhibition at Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur from December 2 until 6.

They said that it was important for them to attend for a few tips since the event, run by Andhra Pradesh state of India, will showcase its highly successful e-governance technology. "As our country will be embracing e-government and other electronic projects in the future, we can therefore learn from the Indian state as we know that such a service has been well-received by people there," they said.

According to the promotional brochure, there are various e-governance services linking the government and citizens of Andhra Pradesh.

These include the e-Seva, which is the first of its kind in India, and provides a spectrum of friendly services, including the payment of utility bills as well as issuing certificates and licences.

Others include the Fully Automated Services for Transport (FAST) that encompasses those like the issuance of driving licences and registration of vehicles.

The Computer-Aided Administration of Registration Department (CARD) has e-enabled the system to register legal deeds, such as sales and mortgaged deeds.

Meanwhile, e-Computerised Operations for Police Services (e-COPS) strives to accomplish not only the computerisation of crime analysis, but also the dissemination of information, better planning, prosecution, monitoring and speedy detection of crimes.

It had also launched a Telemedicine project with the purpose of providing expert medical advice in remote hospitals by leveraging advanced state-of-the-art information technology.

Implemented in August 2002, the e-governance project is a joint effort between the public and private sectors.

The Indian government provided the physical infrastructure while the private sector provided the software and hardware services.

The Computer Society of India has rated Andhra Pradesh as the best e-government state in India.

Quelle: Borneo Bulletin, 26.11.2003

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