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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Having launched a wide range of e-government initiatives, the Andhra Pradesh government is seeking the help of a Chennai-based e-government consultancy firm, Haselfre Solutions in setting up a unifying gateway infrastructure that will help serve as a critical base for implementing various e-government projects. With the experience gained in implementing e-governance projects, specifically the Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) pilot projects, the AP government has identified the need to have a unifying gateway infrastructure as one of the most important infrastructure components required for e-governance projects.

Government officials in the state government’s IT&C department told ET that Haselfre Solutions has been mandated to design, develop and implement the gateway project. As a consultant, the company would advise and provide assistance during the entire lifecycle of the project.

“The consultancy firm will identify key functional and non-functional requirements of the infrastructure and advise the government in designing a suitable business model for the project implementation,” sources said. Haselfre is expected to provide a broad roadmap for integrating OLTP and certain critical databases for access across government departments and citizens through multiple end-user access equipment.

Sources said the assistance during the entire lifecycle of the OLTP project would include advising the government on the bid process, provide technical inputs, handholding the successful bidder and managing the roll out of the infrastructure project. The roll-out would include interfacing the multipurpose household survey citizen database and land records database through different access providers

The consultant’s help is being sought to test the solutions developed by the successful bidder in an independent lab to ensure compliance with service level agreement requirements.

Quelle: The Economic Times

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