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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Cyber law is an important aspect of any legal system. But why is it so important? Cyber law is important because it regulates the conduct of the society in the widest possible manner. Think about the issues arising in cyberspace and the difficulty in managing the same. It is a very difficult task to manage issues pertaining to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as it requires both good legislative support as well as technical manpower to handle the same.

The Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act, 2000) is the present cyber law of India. With the passage of time a need was felt to keep it updated and relevant. The Parliament passed the Information Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2008 (IT Bill, 2008) to amend the IT Act, 2000. However the same attracted severe criticism from many cyber law experts including Mr. Praveen Dalal.

Cyber law tries to regulate the cyberspace but the fact remains that law would always remain behind the technology. The legislative skills needed to make a futuristic cyber law are not in existence in any part of the world. This is so because policy makers do not understand the technology and this result in a faulty law making.

If we analyse the issues like online banking, data protection issues, hacking, spamming, phishing, digital rights management, etc we can understand the level of commitment needed to meet the demands of these activities. If we remain honest to the requirements of e-governance and e-commerce in India there is no escape from the conclusion that our politicians and legislatures have failed us in this regard.

The cyber law of India needs to be rejuvenated keeping in mind both international standards as well as contemporary requirements. We cannot revive it till we separate it from politics as well as industrial and corporate lobbying.

We also cannot liberate our cyber law till we use collective expertise of those millions who can help in true sense. India is a great country and it would not be too late before its citizens wake up and demand their dues from their representatives.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Ram K Kaushik

Quelle/Source: Webnewswire, 15.03.2009

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