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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Union Government gearing up for e-Governance, to set up data centres across the country

The Government of India is all geared up for e-Governance by setting-up the State Data Centre across India.

Talking to CyberMedia News, S P Singh, senior director at the Electronic Governance Management Unit, under the Department of Information Technology said that the State Data Centers have been identified as one of the important elements of the core infrastructure for supporting e-governance initiatives of India’s National e-Governance Plan (NeGP).

"These are being set-up to consolidate services, applications, and infrastructure to provide efficient electronic delivery of G2G, G2C and G2B services,” he said.

Singh said at a meeting of the State IT Secretaries held recently that it was decided to establish the Data Centers, one each in all States. The Centers are likely to be located at the State capitals.

He said that the State Governments have been given three options as for the data centres are concerned. “The State Governments can set up and own the Data Centre including its management and operations, or it could leverage the capabilities of existing IDCs for which different deployment models are available. The third option is that the State Government could use existing Data Centre of NIC for hosting their applications.”

“We estimate that the total investment would be close to Rs 2000 crore for the SDCs over the next five years and we are scouting for consultants to help the States to establish their own data centres as well as disaster recovery centres. The data centres would be connected through State Wide Area Network (SWAN) and would act as repositories,” Singh added.

Stating that the Union Government was expected to approve the proposals from consultants by end of this financial year, he said it would take about 12-15 months for the establishment of State Data Centers.

“The short-listed consultants would be expected to take care of complete handholding for the States in setting-up and the operationalisation of the Data Centers, including conceptualization, design and implementation of the SDC and complete management during implementation,” he added.

Autor(en)/Author(s): R Jai Krishna

Quelle/Source: CIOL, 07.11.2006

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