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Wednesday, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Punjab would be the first state in the country to begin implementation of the Centre's national e-governance plan under the National Common Service Centre (NCSC).

Under this programme, which was chalked out by the Union government, Punjab plans to set up 2500 common service centers across the state.

Out of these, 2112 centres will be set up in the rural areas while the rest will be in urban and semi-urban areas.

The project based on public-private partnership is slated to begin soon. Punjab Infotech will be the nodal agency for initiating the project in the state.

Giving details, Punjab Infotech Director N S Kalsi yesterday said here today that on the lines of the IT- Ministry guidelines, private parties or companies will be appointed for operating the common service centres in villages across the state. The private parties will be given the charge of managing of the centres, he added.

However, private parties will be roping in village level entrepreneurs (VLE) to facilitate the functioning and dissemination of service in the rural areas, specially in the border districts. The private companies would fund 66 per cent of the project, the government will put in 33 per cent funds and one per cent would come from the VLEs.

Quelle/Source: Zee News, 25.10.2006

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