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Wednesday, 18.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Asking states to lay special focus on improving the quality of governance, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today advised them to promote e-governance.

"E-governance can make governments more citizen-friendly and business-friendly. I urge you to work on improving the governance in your states," he said after inaugurating a PHDCCI-organised conclave of Chief Ministers of northern region here.

In the final analysis, what will differentiate one state from another was the quality of governance, Singh noted. "You will have to provide the necessary leadership and vision to ensure that government institutions perform better, attitudes change, and tax payers get their money's worth," he said.

He said Delhi and Chandigarh had taken interesting initiatives in taking public services to the common man through the use of IT. Such initiatives improve efficiency, transparency and customer satisfaction, the prime minister said.

Singh asked the states to make investments in public sector more productive and make public services more efficient and effective.

The Prime Minister said he need not say the northern region has to improve its human development indicators. "You have to invest in your people. While we in Delhi are providing a supportive policy environment, you will have to do much more to capitalise on emerging knowledge economy," Singh said.

Quelle/Source: The Hindu, 28.09.2006

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