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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
In yet another attempt to take the e-revolution to the villages, a job portal exclusively for rural youths is now in the pipeline.

Tying up for the venture are, the popular job site, and the Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Limited (ILFSL), a private company. Incidentally, the ILFSL is also assisting the Centre in its National e-Governance Plan (NeGP).

As per the plan, unemployed rural youths can post their resumes and search for jobs on the website, which will be free of cost. With initial studies on the job portal already in progress, it is expected to be launched by June this year.

‘‘We approached officers of with a proposal for providing job avenues to rural youths, who are not as fortunate as their urban counterparts when it comes to exploring job opportunities. Once the portal is launched, these village youths will also have easy access to various job openings,’’ said Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Community Centre, ILFS.

The website can be accessed from the one lakh Common Service Centres (CSCs) which are to be set up in several villages across the country as part of the e-Governance plan. ILFS officials feel that the job portal will bring about a social transformation in rural areas. ‘‘No one can say there is a dearth of talent in rural areas. Rural youths are as competent as their urban counterparts. But, without proper guidance, they fail to channelise their efforts in the right direction. The result is that either they do not get a job or they get one which is below their skills and qualifications,’’ said Tyagi. ‘‘But, once the portal is launched, we will we able to tap our rural talent and thus, contribute in overall development of the country,’’ he added.

The ILFS also plans to come up with a matrimonial portal for villagers. ‘‘Similar to the job portal, the matrimonial site will also focus on the needs of the rural folk. The site will contain marriage proposals from across the villages of the country,’’ said ILFS officials.

Autor: Asit Srivastava

Quelle: Lucknow Newsline, 08.04.2006

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