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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Bihar's tech-savvy Chief Minster Nitish Kumar has initiated a move for e-governance in the state by providing laptops to the top brass in the state administration.

The officials will now be able to keep records of their departmental activities and development projects.

Official sources said 45 laptops had been given initially to senior officials of the rank of commissioners and secretaries in various departments. In the second phase, other officials will be given the laptops.

"All information related to development and governance will be now a click away," a senior official said.

The tech-savvy chief minister's official residence will be made the main operational centre for e-governance.

According to sources, the government had purchased the Dell laptops from Malaysia at a cost of Rs.75,000-80,000 each.

Quelle: NewKerala, 08.04.2006

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