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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Malaysian information and communications technology (ICT) vendors must recognise the Government's ICT role and agenda, as this will give them an indication of what its next investment step or aspiration will be, said analyst firm IDC Malaysia.

This would allow vendors to be ready and equipped with the necessary experience and skills; or to proactively propose to the Government through concept requests for proposal (CRFPs), IDC Malaysia ( said in a statement. "The role of government has changed and ... this adds more complexity for ICT vendors pursuing government projects," said Andrew Wong, research manager at IDC Malaysia.

"However, it is possible for ICT vendors to map out current and future key issues surrounding government ICT projects and how these will affect upcoming government investment areas in terms of how much to spend and, more importantly, where to spend," he added.

The research firm recently conducted a study on the evolution of the Government's agenda. IDC's Malaysia Government ICT Opportunity, 2004 study shows several key government agendas and their implications for government agencies and ICT vendors.

These agendas include increasing the competitiveness of the nation by enabling e-government initiatives, public and private partnership for greater collaboration, and achieving sustainable ICT development by integrating people, technology and nature.

The findings were derived from primary research (based on ongoing, firsthand interviews with various government agencies and industry insiders) and secondary research (on IT budgets, industry news and industry insider feedback).

“The key investment areas include

  1. more investment into monetary and transaction-based portals;
  2. consulting and services; and
  3. the outsourcing of government works,"

said Wong.

Integration, seamless transaction and increasing service delivery productivity are the key investment areas and will be priorities for government spending in the next five years, IDC Malaysia claimed.

For more information about the research, contact Jason Phua at (603) 2169-7520 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Current Issues Facing Government ICT Projects

  1. Changing work attitude of government staff to be in line with the newer and higher service delivery quality demand.
  2. Fostering higher working relationship among government agencies.
  3. Establishing greater collaborative effort with the private sector to push forward agenda.
  4. Understanding emerging technology,
  5. Establishing one-stop public service and coordinating services from other agencies.
  6. Justifying investment made against value created for internal government operation and citizens.
  7. Increasing the cost-effectiveness of government services.
  8. Increasing efficiency and productivity of government services.
  9. Encouraging monetary-based transaction through electronic means, either by commercial entities or citizens.
  10. Disseminating government information on-demand; anywhere, via any means and at anytime.

Quelle: The Malaysia Star, 27.12.2004

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