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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The 1.6 million-strong civil service will not be downsized as a result of the ongoing implementation of the electronic government system (e-government), says Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. He gave assurance that while an increase in productivity and public service effectiveness was important, this must not be linked with making the civil service workforce smaller.

“Civil servants can carry out multiple tasks to enhance public delivery services.

“The use of technology cannot be avoided, but the civil service workforce must also find ways to improve work quality,” he said at a gathering with civil servants here yesterday.

Muhyiddin said this in response to a question on whether the civil service workforce would be reduced once the e-government system was fully implemented.

“If, before this, three people were needed to accomplish a single task, only one would suffice once the e-government is implemented, while the other two can work on other tasks,” he said.

While acknowledging the fact that the job scope might differ once e-government fully took off, the prime minister said the technologies applied would add value to the public delivery service.

Muhyiddin said he was satisfied with the performance of civil servants, but nevertheless expressed confidence that the bar could be set even higher in line with current developments.

At another event here, the Prime Minister suggested that the Social Welfare Department’s monthly aid of between RM200 and RM300 for needy people be raised to RM1,000.

He said this proposal would be tabled at the Cabinet meeting this week.

“I know this statement of mine has a big implication but I don’t care.

“What’s important is the livelihood of the needy.

“They have suffered for a long time,” he said at a meeting with community leaders.

Muhyiddin said the Perikatan Nasional government was determined to continue with efforts to help the B40 group.

He added that he was saddened by the plight of this group, given the fact that the country had been independent for so long.

Muhyiddin was in Sabah for a two-day visit over the weekend – his first since being appointed Prime Minister in March. ---

Quelle/Source: The Star, 31.08.2020

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