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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Home-grown tech company Dapat Vista announced the official launch of its government e-payments service, MyPay.

They first announced they foray into the market in January 2019 when they launched the beta version of their service, the company started out as a SMS service provider for various government departments and agencies since 2000.

To date the platform has enabled services with agencies such as the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN), the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ), The Election Commission of Malaysia (SPR), the RAM Credit Information Sdn Bhd (RAMCI) and many more.

The platform will enable Malaysians to check their loan balances and making payments , getting updates on outstanding traffic summons and tax, performing licence renewal as well as lodging complaints and reports.

Sabri Rahman, Executive Director of MyPay said in speech that they intend to move beyond government agencies and into the payments services for various utilities and other monthly payments typically made by consumers. The strategy to conquer this already highly saturated space was not made clear. The company is targeting to register 300,00 users in the short term.

A report by the Economist and Visa indicates that Malaysia’s government digital payments facilities are reasonably robust, in the same study Malaysia surprisingly ranks higher than China in government digital payment facilities.


Quelle/Source: Fintech News Malaysia, 16.08.2019

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