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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Delegates from Sarawak Housing and Real Estate Developers Association (Sheda) and the Ministry of Local Government and Housing Sarawak are now in Shanghai and Hangzhou in China for a study tour.

The objective of the trip, running from today till Oct 27, is to study ‘green building’ and ‘smart building’ technologies.

The delegates, led by Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian, departed for China yesterday.

Assistant Minister of Housing and Public Health Dr Annuar Rapaee, Sarawak Housing Development Corporation (HDC) chairman Datuk Dr Abang Abdul Rauf Abang Zen and Borneo Development Corporation (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd (BDC) chairman Datuk Peter Nansian are also part of the delegation.

According to Sheda president Dr Christopher Ngui, the study tour has successfully attracted 35 delegates mainly comprising government officials and Sheda members.

He pointed out that the delegates would be exchanging ideas with China’s green building technology and intelligent building manufacturers – specifically to meet Sarawak’s move towards digital technology, as well as to encourage Sarawak developers to move towards the production and construction of green buildings and smart building plans, and also to develop future business opportunities for the locals.

“Shanghai is a model of green building technology where the government implements strict control and measures to gradually promote Shanghai’s urban-building model towards green building standards.

“With the new era of green development, green living has become the main focus in building a smart city.

“Guided by the concept of green development, it has become the ecological civilisation and environmental protection concept that the government has to promote in order to let the people benefit from it, as well as to raise ‘green’ awareness,” Ngui added.

Apart from being a study tour, the trip also aims to help promote Sarawak’s ‘My Second Home’ (MM2H) programme to China, attracting more Chinese investors to invest and purchase ‘second homes’ in Sarawak.


Quelle/Source: The Borneo Post, 23.10.2018

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