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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Malaysian government’s flagship e-procurement system called ePerolehan (eP) is to be replaced by a new eP system, NextGen eP, by 2015, as part of the country’s Government Transformation Programme.

The eP system has modernised the government-to-business procurement landscape, since its launch in 1999. Earlier this month, the portal reached RM60 billion (US $18.5 billion) with over 1.5 million transactions since its inception.

It has transformed the manual procurement practice into an electronic system, allowing suppliers and contractors to receive, manage and process orders or payments from government agencies on the internet. Similarly, it allows government agencies to procure goods and services from their suppliers electronically.

Dato’ Mohd Shafiq Bin Abdullah, Project Director of the eP unit at the Ministry of Finance (MoF) informed FutureGov that eP’s eBidding system produced RM26 million (US $8 million) in savings for government procurement as of 2012.

Principal Assistant Director of the eP unit, Wan Azwar Zaihan Wan Ahmad said, “Seeing the success of the ePerolehan system, the Ministry has developed a new system called NextGen ePerolehan which will be used from January 2015”.

“After 12 years in operations, we feel that it’s timely to replace the present ePerolehan system. The new system is programmed to provide added value to users with a view to support the government’s transformation programme towards a more efficient system”.

The new system will be in line with current technological advancements and changing demands, while keeping it simple and easy for users to learn.

The reform aims to shift the system from operations-based to focus on strategic procurement. It looks to improve the efficiency of the government’s purchasing decisions through an automatic purchasing system and predictive analytics, and also reducing sourcing cycles.

The new system’s digital architecture also supports the Digital Malaysia initiative, a national programme to advance the country towards a digital economy by 2020.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Medha Basu

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 12.08.2013

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