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Sunday, 6.10.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
PIKOM, the National ICT Association of Malaysia, is championing for one government body to oversee information and communications (ICT) development in the country.

Its president, Shaifubahrim Saleh, said ICT development was being looked after by more than two ministries now and there was overlapping responsibilities.

"What we need is one authority to champion key initiatives for ICT development and we have been submitting memoranda to the government on this," he said at the launch of Compuware office here today.

Shaifubahrim said to spur the ICT industry, there was also a need to provide tax incentives to encourage more on-line transactions.

"To spur local entrepreneurs, there is also a need to promote venture capital," he said.

Shaifubahrim said the ICT industry was targeted to contribute 10 per cent of gross domestic product by 2015.

"While foreign direct investments remain strong in this sector there is a need to promote local direct investments," he said.


Quelle/Source: Bernama, 21.09.2011

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