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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Malaysia will use the biometric system, similar to the one currently used by the country''s Immigration Department, in the next general elections to avoid accusation of phantom votes.

Election Commission chairman Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said he hoped this would finally lay to rest all sorts of allegations.

Phantom votes are found when the number of votes reported is higher than the number of ballots cast.

The system, which will be linked to the country''s National Registration Department, would enable EC workers at polling stations to cross-check details of their government issued identity cards with the Registration Department and the electoral roll before voters are given their ballot papers.

Aziz said political parties agents at the polling stations would be able to witness that those given ballot papers were genuine voters.

"Since the voters'' thumbprints are already in NRD's records, no one can accuse the EC of allowing in phantom voters," he said.

Aziz felt that it was upsetting that each time the opposition parties lost they accused the commission of rigging elections but praised it if they won. Malaysia held its last general elections in August 2008 where the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition party barely managed to retain power.

The previously low key opposition fought as an alliance and swept several states toppling seats held by the ruling party.


Quelle/Source: MSN India, 21.06.2011

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