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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
More than 1.2 million households and business premises in the country will be wired up with optical fibre to enable them access to mega-speed Internet connection. Telekom Malaysia has been tasked with laying the optical fibre and is expected to complete half the job by next year.

Telekom Malaysia has been tasked with laying the optical fibre and is expected to complete half the job by next year.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the high-speed broadband network of between 10Mbps and 1Gbps would give the public, businesses and government agencies a competitive boost via cutting edge communications.

(At these speeds, it will be possible to offer, among others, highdefinition TV online, live video chat and e-health services. Downloading a full-length feature film to your PC, for example, can take less than two minutes compared with at least two hours under the current speeds of 2 to 4Mbps).

It will also give the country the platform to develop the information and communication technology of tomorrow, Najib said at the opening of the 12th Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) International Advisory Panel meeting here yesterday.

Najib, who is also IAP chairman, said the move would also help Malaysia catch up with global leaders in industrial developments.

He said Malaysia needed a new paradigm to not only help the country catch up from where it was left behind but also take on a quantum leap to the ranks of developed nations.

“Malaysia has done well in the past by growing an industrial base while expanding our agricultural sector. At the same time, we have also nurtured a strong oil and gas industry.

“But our prior focus on attracting foreign investment as a lowcost producer has now created a dilemma.

“Our industrial advancement has not kept pace with global leaders and we remain somewhat under- developed in this respect.” A new economic model would be introduced by the year-end with emphasis on innovation, creativity and high-value activities.

So far, Malaysia had already put in place a comprehensive reform of its capital market and introduced sweeping measures to liberalise its service sector.

It is also in the midst of putting in place a system to drive high performance at all levels of society.


Quelle/Source: New Straits Times, 11.11.2009

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