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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
An online consultation method, or Tele Primary Care (TPC), will be implemented in government hospitals nationwide to allow rural folk access to specialist treatment.

Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad said the method had been introduced in Johor and Sarawak before being extended to other states soon.

"The ministry found online consultation and treatment using information technology to be useful. Villagers do not need to go to other hospitals to get specialist treatment," he said.

He was answering a supplementary question from Hamim Samuri (BN-Ledang) in the Dewan Rakyat on Thursday. Hamim wanted to know if the e-Health application launched had been implemented nationwide, so that the people could benefit from specialist treatment like that available at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL).

"HKL is a unique hospital and the biggest in Asia. It has 3,000 beds and specialists in 28 medical fields," Dr Abdul Latiff said.

"Although the state hospitals do not have as many specialists and beds as HKL, the ministry guarantees that 35 main state hospitals are of the same level as HKL in terms of facilities, which are continuously being improved."

Meanwhile, Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said the government had not fixed a quota on any race wishing to pursue teaching courses at the teacher training institutes, and would give equal opportunities to those qualified, regardless of race.

"We received 48,384 applications from Malays for the Post-Graduate Teacher Training Course this year, and only 6,631 were eligible.

"Only 2,665 Chinese applied, of whom 838 were offered places after the interviews. Out of the 1,910 Indian applicants, 338 were successful," he said in reply to a question from S. Manikavasagam (PKR-Kapar).


Quelle/Source: Bernama, 12.03.2009

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