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Monday, 24.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

In what is being called a bid to bridge the digital divide and embrace the concept of Smart Cities, sources report that Cornell University researchers recently presented their vision to municipal officials and practitioners in Binghamton.

Sources claim that with the power of the "Internet of Things" (IoT), researchers hope to lay the foundation for a technologically advanced and interconnected city.

The Internet of Things refers to the intercommunication between devices, allowing them to share data and perform tasks autonomously. One practical example provided by the researchers was an app that could inform drivers about the availability of parking spaces in real-time. By leveraging IoT technology, Binghamton residents and visitors would have enhanced convenience and efficiency in their daily lives.

Principal Investigator Max Zhang expressed his optimism about deploying this initiative in Binghamton and its potential impact on the wider Southern Tier region. The city's status as a regional hub makes it an ideal testing ground for smart city innovations. The researchers hope their efforts will eventually extend to benefit other parts of New York State.

Sarah Glose, Director of Economic Development for Binghamton, emphasized the importance of using IoT technology for stormwater management. By implementing IoT sensors, the system could provide real-time data on overwhelmed drains and flood-prone areas, enabling timely interventions and infrastructure improvements. This proactive approach to addressing weather-related issues showcases the potential of IoT in ensuring the safety and well-being of residents.

Glose also highlighted the versatility of IoT technology, mentioning the possibility of smart trash cans that can automatically alert the Department of Public Works when they require emptying. The end goal is to ensure that this technology is utilized in creative and impactful ways that benefit both city employees and citizens.

This initiative, if it can get off the ground, represents a significant step forward for the region, potentially positioning Binghamton as a model for other cities interested in embracing the potential of a smart infrastructure.

While the exact costs of implementing a smart city infrastructure in Binghamton have not yet been determined, Glose indicated to WBNG that the city is exploring federal funding options and unused grants to support the project.

10 Reasons We're Thankful to Live in Binghamton

Living in Binghamton is great but don't just take our word for it. A group of people both lifelong and somewhat new residents recently sat down to talk about what they love about living in Binghamton. These were the top ten answers.

  • Binghamton Colleges Are Among the Best: Binghamton University is ranked the top SUNY school and the Premier Public University in the Northeast.

  • Binghamton is Close to Everywhere: Binghamton is in such a great location because we can get to just about any big city in the Northeast in a reasonable amount of time.

  • Binghamton Traffic Is Pretty Much Non-Existent: The average commute time in Binghamton is 20 minutes or less which means we're spending less time sitting in traffic and more time with the people we care about.

  • Church Options Are Many: No matter what your religious affiliation is, Binghamton has a church for you.

  • Binghamton Has a Park Around Every Corner: We have dog parks and kiddie parks. Big parks and small parks. We can't turn around without bumping into a park and that's a great thing.

    Binghamton Gets All Four Seasons: Love snow? We've got it. Love fall? We have stunning leaf-peeping views. Love sunshine? We've got it.

  • Binghamton Has Tons of Sports Options: Binghamton is home to so many sports and sports options. We've got the Rumble Ponies, Black Bears, Bulldogs, Binghamton University Division 1 Mens/Women's basketball, Stallions, and the Binghamton Bombers. We've also got a slew of golf courses that are we are much less expensive than many places and there are many to choose from with something for each skill set.

  • Binghamton Has Amazing Festivals: From the nationally renown LUMA Projection Lights Festival to the multi-day Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally, Binghamton puts on some really great family-friendly festivals.

  • The Size of Our City is Just Right: Binghamton is big but not too big. It's small but not too small.

  • Binghamton is Culturally Diverse: Binghamton is a melting pot of people from all different cultures and backgrounds and we have some of the most delicious ethnic food in the state as well as incredible ethnic festivals.

Five More Reasons To Love Binghamton

  • Our Food: One word: “spiedie.” Can we just tell you how many times we see the spiedie on national lists of ”must-try foods?” No kidding. People visit from all over the country for a taste of the iconic food that was born right here and you know what? That’s something to be proud of! The spiedie isn’t our only claim to fame food though. The Binghamton area has killer Italian food.

  • Our Location: Do you realize how central Binghamton is to pretty much everywhere? We're far enough away from the chaos of NYC, Philly, Washington D.C., and Pittsburgh, but close enough that we can get to each of those cities in six hours or less. Also, Binghamton is literally just down the road from wine country and not far from New York’s beautiful lake region. Mountain lovers will be stoked to know that the Adirondack and Catskills are also just a short trip down the road and no matter the season, there's always some sort of fun activity happening in each of those regions, making for fun day trips.

  • Our Back Story: Binghamton is steeped in incredible history. At one time, we were the second-largest manufacturer of cigars in the United States. The Endicott Johnson Corporation was a huge shoe manufacturer and was responsible for almost all of the shoe and footwear for the United States Army during World War I and World War II. IBM was born here and so was the flight simulator. The first Dick’s Sporting Goods store was opened in Binghamton in 1948 and DSG is now the largest sporting goods chain store in the country. And we can't leave out the incredible people who've called the Binghamton area home: Johnny Hart, the creator of the B.C. comic strip hailed from this area as did screenwriter, playwright, producer, and narrator Rod Serling, best known for “The Twilight Zone.’ The Jones brothers (Arthur, Chandler, and Jon) also called this area home.

  • Our Sports: Speaking of sports, if you’re a sports lover who wants to enjoy the game without paying the big city prices, Binghamton is your town. We’ve got the Binghamton Rumble Ponies who are the AA affiliate to the New York Mets and the Binghamton Devils who are the AHL affiliate to the New Jersey Devils. We also host the Dick’s Sporting Goods Open, one of the biggest events in the world of golf, as well as the Tennis Challenger, which is a USTA Pro Circuit Event. Binghamton also has a semi-pro soccer team called the GBFC Thunder and the Binghamton Bulldogs is our semi-pro basketball team. And, we can’t forget Binghamton University sports, which is division one as a member of the America East Conference. Division III College Sports are played at Broome Community College.

  • Our Festivals: The Binghamton area is home to some incredible festivals. We host Spiedie Fest, which draws hundreds of thousand of food and hot air balloon enthusiasts each summer. In March, we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in the most epic of ways with a massive street party and parade. There’s also July Fest, Strawberry Fest and so many, many other festivals.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Traci Taylor

Quelle/Source: WNBF, 20.05.2024

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