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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
SiFi Networks says it has signed an agreement to build an open access fiber to the home (FTTH) network in Pacific Grove, CA. The proposed network will be capable of delivering 1-Gbps services.

The UK-based SiFi Networks builds FTTH networks based on its Fiber Optic Cable Ubiquitous Solution (FOCUS) to create a “FiberCity.” The approach leverages the company’s patented Wastewater Fiber Technology (WFT), in which fiber-optic cable is deployed in sanitary and storm wastewater conduit.

“The creation of this new fiber to the home infrastructure will allow Pacific Grove to attract creative class, high information users and financial services companies that previously had been unlikely to locate in PG,” says Kurt Overmeyer, Economic Development Director for the City of Pacific Grove. “This system will also provide our residents and visitors with best in the world access to phone, video and internet services. We are excited that SiFi Networks has chosen Pacific Grove as their preferred place to build one of their first two systems in California.”

“A FiberCity provides future-proofed communications infrastructure which shall last generations, providing a vital platform for economic growth drawing new entrepreneurs to the community and securing existing businesses,” said Scott Bradshaw, president of SiFi Networks America. “It isn’t just businesses that benefit, residential consumers will open up countless new capabilities, HDTV, video calls, eHealth, remote home security, improved gaming to name just a few.”

Added Ben Bawtree‐Jobson, CEO of SiFi Networks, “We are delighted to agree terms with Pacific Grove; it was their proactive engagement to our offer that has secured our interest and importantly investment. What we are most excited about is being able to use our full offering, of FOCUS system and FiberCity structure, which we are in the process of scaling to multiple large scale projects in the USA and Europe.”


Quelle/Source: LightWave Online, 20.04.2014

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