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$361K grant will help address patients' needs at Reid Hospital's facilities around the region

Reid Hospital in Richmond has been named recipient of $361,787 toward the Reid RuralConnect project.

The grant was announced when the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service published its 2011 Distance Learning & Telemedicine Program grant recipients list.

"We are very pleased by this news," said Dr. Tom Huth, Reid vice president of medical affairs. "Because of this project, specialized medicine will be more accessible in the communities we serve. The award is a win for Reid and a win for our patients."

The USDA funded 100 projects nationally for a total of $30,172,507. Reid was the only Indiana provider funded. No awards were made in Ohio.

As developed by RUS, the Distance Learning & Telemedicine (DLT) Program is designed to meet the educational and health care needs of rural America through the use of advanced telecommunications technologies.

The Reid RuralConnect project will provide specialty care from Reid Hospital, as a hub site, to rural end-user locations. The care will address patient needs such as cardiovascular, infectious disease, orthopedic, pulmonary, diabetes care or other services.

Once fully implemented, Reid's primary care offices in Hagerstown, Winchester, Liberty, Connersville and Eaton, Ohio, will offer telemedicine technology. Ultimately, the equipment will allow patients to consult with specialty physicians without having to drive to Richmond.

Reid RuralConnect is expected to be implemented by fall 2012.

"Many of our patients face barriers, such as lack of transportation, that prohibit them from receiving the care they require," said Craig Kinyon, Reid president and CEO. "This project will help bring high quality specialty care to our patients' hometown."

The total project cost is estimated to be $633,302. Reid Foundation will provide $271,515 in matching funds to help bring the project to fruition.

"Combining federal grant dollars and community philanthropy opens a new door for Reid to meet patient needs. We are excited to bring this technology to Reid's service area," said Reid Vice President and Foundation President, Randy Kirk.


Quelle/Source: Palladium-Item, 01.01.2012

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