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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
A new “town hall” website is aiming to give New Yorkers more access to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his agency commissioners.

The addition to, dubbed CitizenConnects, will host live online chats with Cuomo and other staff members. Cuomo ‘s first chat is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 24. Next month, chats are planned with Department of Financial Services Superintendent Ben Lawsky on Oct. 1 and Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Joe Martens on Oct. 8. During these Saturday sessions, the officials will answer questions submitted through the website.

The website also includes a searchable calendar of community events, a Google map that plots where Cuomo and Lt. Gov. Bob Duffy have traveled in the state for official events, and a field where citizens can send in their ideas for government. The page also includes social media links and a photo stream.

Cuomo said in a statement that it was time for government to use current technology tools.

"This will be a ‘town hall’ in every sense,” he said. “It will be an open forum for New Yorkers to interact and participate in their government; it will be a place New Yorkers can visit to communicate with their leaders and sign up for community activities; and it will allow New Yorkers to have a direct window into the workings of their government.”


Quelle/Source: Government Technology, 23.09.2011

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