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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Minnesotans clearly understand the need for high-speed broadband Internet access across the state.

The technology is not only critical to economic development efforts, but also important in establishing a higher quality of life for many Minnesotans.

A nod to the value of the technology was given by the Minnesota Legislature and Gov. Tim Pawlenty in April when a bill was approved that requires the state to bring high-speed Internet access to all Minnesota businesses and residences by 2015. Wisely, the bill also calls for an annual report on progress made toward attaining the goal.

It’s time to bring Borderland on board and we urge local officials to consider ways to push for this improvement.

As elections approach, more talk of the need for jobs is heard. But we need more than talk. And taking the lead on increased access to broadband Internet is a way to open a door to those jobs.

Rick King, of Minnesota’s Ultra High-speed Broadband Task Force, agrees that access to broadband Internet is central in job growth. He points to statistics that show that every $1 invested in broadband results in a tenfold return on investment. “Broadband investments will offer Minnesota near-term job creation benefits while providing the resources needed to let even the smallest of towns compete in the online global economy,” said King.

Without the appropriate local investment in broadband, we will be left behind. Jobs won’t be created here, online education opportunities will be missed, and long-distance health care services will be unavailable. Especially in a county such as Koochiching, where specialized services are limited, connections made via the Internet are even more important.

The state initiative, combined with federal measures, will help us move forward with improving broadband Internet access in Borderland. But local officials ought to step up to the plate and consider pushing forward with our own investments now.


Quelle/Source: International Falls Daily Journal, 29.05.2010

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