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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Leading aging, technology, and consumer groups join in support

The Project to Get Older Adults onLine (GOAL) hosted a press conference today at the National Press Club to announce the launch of the new organization, which will provide a platform to promote the adoption of broadband services by the older adult community. The event featured a keynote by Blair Levin, Executive Director of the Broadband Omnibus Initiative at the FCC and remarks by the founder of Project GOAL, Debra Berlyn, as well as representatives that serve on GOAL's advisory committee and who belong to leading groups including: the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, American Telemedicine Association, Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) and Consumer Action.

During the event, Project GOAL discussed how the Internet is an increasingly necessary service for individuals of all ages, and is of great importance to the aging population. In addition to providing health information and access to telehealth services, entertainment and serving as an education tool, the Internet also provides a connection to the community. It reduces isolation and increases the possibility that one can more easily "age in place," allowing adults to remain in their homes well into their elder years.

Based on this, Project GOAL highlighted that the major purpose of the group is to promote the benefits of broadband for older adults (telemedicine, expanding social interactions and social networking, reducing isolation, maintaining connections with family and friends, and facilitating aging in place) and to address the barriers to the adoption of broadband that are of particular concern to the aging community.

"It's clear that having broadband offers great value for older individuals," said Debra Berlyn, executive director of Project GOAL. "That's why I'm so excited to get this projected started today – to highlight the benefits broadband provides the older adult community and to work with other aging organizations to address the challenges."

About GOAL

Project GOAL is an organization dedicated to promoting the adoption of broadband services by the older adult community. Project GOAL's purpose is to advance the benefits of broadband and address the barriers to broadband adoption that are of particular concern to the aging community.


Quelle/Source: PRNewswire, 06.04.2010

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