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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The non-profit eHealth Initiative (eHI) released the eHealth Initiative Blueprint "Building Consensus for Common Action". eHI said the Blueprint represents multi-stakeholder consensus on a shared vision and a set of principles, strategies and actions for improving health and health care through information and IT.

Through a collaborative process led by eHI's multi-stakeholder leadership, development of the Blueprint involved nearly 200 organizations representing the many diverse stakeholders in health care, including clinicians, consumers, employers and health care purchasers, IT suppliers, health plans, hospitals and other providers, laboratories, the life sciences industry, pharmacies, public health agencies, and state and regional leaders.

eHI said the Blueprint catalogs many of the activities currently taking place and provides consensus-based guiding principles, and concrete, practical strategies and actions, along with a proposed timeline for their implementation.

The release of the eHI Blueprint represents Phase I of a two-phase process, offering multi-stakeholder consensus on a first set of guiding principles, strategies and actions in five key areas: engaging consumers; transforming care delivery; improving population health; aligning financial and other incentives; and managing privacy, security and confidentiality. While agreement was reached on a broad set of issues in each of the areas noted above, the eHI Blueprint process also identified areas where more work is needed including specific areas related to financing and policies for information sharing.

Over the next 12 months, as part of Phase II of the Blueprint process, eHI will widely disseminate the Blueprint, support its implementation, facilitate the sharing of related best practices, and gain further input from additional stakeholders both at the national and local levels.


Quelle/Source: Advance, 21.02.2008

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