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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Public and private sectors will soon be exchanging information technology personnel.

The Office of Personnel Management earlier this week announced it has launched the Information Technology Exchange Program, which will allow federal and private sector IT personnel to share information and experience. The program has the blessing of both the Federal Chief Information Officers Council, and the American Technology and Industry Advisory Council.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for both federal and private sector IT employees to expand their breadth of experience through a program not previously available to them. The ITEP will also help private sector leaders have a greater understanding of how agencies and departments in the federal government manage IT related issues. This program benefits everyone,” said Nancy Kichak, OPM’s associate director for Strategic Human Resources Policy.

In coordination with the Federal CIO Council’s IT Workforce Committee, OPM is marketing the program through its USAJOBS Web site at

According to OPM, the program has two goals: exposing federal IT workers to private industry’s best practices and offering the private sector an understanding of the IT challenges federal agencies face.

“Everyone involved in the program, OPM staff, the CIO Council and ACT/IAC, has been dedicated to working together to realize the implementation of this needed program,” said Kichak.

Initially, the program is open to nine agencies: the departments of Commerce, Defense, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Justice and Treasury, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and OPM.

The E-Government Act of 2002 authorized temporarily assigning employees in the IT management field to private sector organizations and also authorized federal agencies to accept private-sector employees assigned under the ITEP program.

Quelle: FedNews Online, 07.12.2005

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