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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The City of Corpus Christi has been recognized as having the best broadband-wireless platform to improve citizen satisfaction and quality of life. Wireless Internet Institute (W2i) announced the winners of the first-ever "Wireless Communities Best Practices Awards" Tuesday night in San Francisco. Corpus Christi was honored in the E-Government Applications category for its Wi-Fi mesh network, and the various applications and services that the Wi-Fi network supports. Corpus Christi has been using its Wi-Fi network to collect automated meter readings, to allow mobile workers to complete jobs in the field, and to enable police officers and firefighters access to streaming video and important local, state and federal databases. The Wi-Fi network currently covers 24 square miles of the City, and there are plans to extend it citywide. Anyone with a wi-fi enabled laptop computer can access the Internet for free in areas where the service is available, including Corpus Christi International Airport, the Marina, downtown, and central areas of the City.

W2i is an independent thought leadership group bringing together stakeholders around the world to accelerate the adoption of wireless Internet in support of universal connectivity for economic, social and educational development. Earlier this year, Intel Corporation named Corpus Christi as one of 13 "Digital Communities" worldwide which are using their wireless networks, or Wi-Fi, to deliver greater value to government, businesses and citizens through new or enhanced services.

Quelle: KRIS TV, 13.10.2005

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