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Thursday, 19.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Nicor Gas and Southern Company are partnering with Habitat for Humanity to build the smart communities, which will use a combination of renewable, electric and natural gas technologies.

Nicor Gas and Southern Company are announcing a new partnership with the Fox Valley and Northern Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity affiliates to create Smart Neighbourhood communities in the Chicagoland (Chicago metropolitan) area.

Read more: US: Illinois: Net-zero Smart Neighbourhoods planned for Chicago metro area

Real-time, bi-directional data can help cities determine not just what residents are doing – but why, according to the Smart Cities Council.

Before smart cities explore digital twin capabilities, they must figure out how to treat their data as a citywide asset, one expert says.

Read more: US: Digital twins need more than infrastructure data, expert says

Lynbrook, N.Y.'s Internet Outage Continuity Plan takes an in-depth look at how the local government can maintain critical services — even in the face of a six-month-long Internet outage.

A New York village is planning for the possibility of a major Internet outage — the kind that could last six months.

“There will be a time when an outage occurs due to a major solar flare, terrorism or human error, lasting weeks or months on a regional or national level,” Lynbrook Village Administrator John Giordano told Government Technology.

Read more: US: No Internet, Now What? A New York Village Plans for the Worst

A small Florida city supports initiatives with the help of a living model.

Coral Gables, Fla., has a remarkable tool used to spur smart city growth: an online digital twin, accessible to the public.

Established with the assistance of Amazon Web Services, the digital twin collects data in real time and allows web visitors to explore Coral Gables through an interactive satellite map.

Read more: US: Florida: Coral Gables Spurs Smart City Growth with a Digital Twin

Honeywell and Accelerator for America have announced the launch of the Honeywell Smart City Accelerator Program to help cities plan their futures and fund what they are calling “transformational initiatives.” Honeywell is engaging with five US cities to provide support on their smart city strategic planning. The cities are Cleveland, Louisville, Kentucky, Kansas City, Missouri, San Diego, and Waterloo, Iowa.

Through the Smart City Accelerator, each city will receive technical support from Honeywell and Accelerator to develop a Smart City Strategic Plan. Each strategic plan will align stakeholders, define priorities, and identify high-impact and inclusive initiatives that they say will improve residents’ quality of life in areas such as climate resilience, public safety, operational efficiency and improved service delivery. Each city will also receive support in applying for federal grants to support the implementation of identified projects.

Read more: US: Honeywell Launches Smart City Accelerator Program

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