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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Ireland modernises passport system | UK launches online journey planner | US e-government spending set to rise 38 percent | Indiana promotes online licence service | Sierra Leone invests in financial management | Brunei trains top brass in e-gov systems Ireland modernises passport system: The Irish government has launched a new passport and is in the process of modernising its passport system. The new travel documents contain a polycarbonate datapage featuring laser-engraved and perforated images of the holder's photograph and signature, improving the security of the passport. The launch of the updated passport is the first step in the implementation of a new passport system, which is being put in place by a consortium led by consulting firm BearingPoint, as part of a EUR26 million project. The new system will automate many of the processes involved in passport application, and includes new forms that allow application data to be scanned electronically. The government is also planning to introduce online services for passport holders in the future, such as passport renewal and payment processing. "This is not the end of our efforts to develop the passport service," noted Minister for Foreign Affairs Dermot Ahern. "I will shortly be proposing to the government that we should introduce biometric passports to enable us to meet the latest security standards which are required by US and emerging EU legislation."

UK launches online journey planner: The UK's Department for Transport has launched an online journey planner aimed at providing comprehensive travel information for all forms of public and private transport. The site,, cost STG16.7 million and was designed, built and is being operated by a consortium led by Atos Origin, comprising WS Atkins, ESRI, Microsoft, BBC Technology and RTEL. The services provided on the site include a journey planner for all forms of transport -- car, air, coach or train -- maps, up-to-date information and ticket purchasing. Users can also check on the likelihood of delays on road and rail routes and make comparisons between car journeys and equivalent journeys using public transport. "For the first time, travellers will be able to see the different travel choices available in one place," said Secretary of State for Transport Alistair Darling in a statement. "Transport Direct will offer people greater choice, putting all the travel information they need at their fingertips."

US e-government spending set to rise 38 percent: Federal spending on e-government in the US is expected to reach almost USD6 billion in the next five years, according to a new report from Input, a government market analyst firm. The "Federal E-Government MarketView" report says that spending on e-government projects by federal agencies will increase 38 percent, or 6.9 percent annually, from just over USD4 billion in 2004 to USD5.8 billion by 2009. The main factors driving e-government initiatives over the next four years include the President's Management Agenda, an increase in supervision by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and continued legislation impacts from the Government Paperwork Elimination Act and the E-Government Act of 2002. Input expects the biggest growth in new e-government initiative spending to occur in the government-to-business sector, as a result of a more than 260 percent increase in requested funding targeted at OMB's Quicksilver initiatives from fiscal 2004 to fiscal 2005. The report also says that software used for e-government solutions will be the fastest-growing segment of e-government spending, with projected growth of 36 percent, from just over USD680 million in 2004 to almost USD970 million in 2009.

Indiana promotes online licence service: The state of Indiana in the US has seen online renewals of driver's licences skyrocket since the introduction of a novel marketing campaign. Last October, the state's Bureau of Motor Vehicles began sending postcards in the mail to drivers whose licences were due to expire in about 60 days. The postcards encouraged the recipients to renew their licences online through accessIndiana,, the state's official website. In the two months since the mailings began, more than 10,000 licence renewals have been processed online -- a 140 percent increase over the previous year. "Online renewals are going through the roof," said Mary L. DePrez, commissioner of the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles. "We're hearing from many customers who didn't know they could renew driver's licences online, not just vehicle registrations... There's an added bonus, too, because more people using the online service means shorter lines at licence branches, which reduces waiting time for customers."

Sierra Leone invests in financial management: The government of Sierra Leone in Africa has chosen a supplier to implement a financial management IT system across the administration. Software firm FreeBalance will initially deploy its Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) for the Ministry of Finance and for the Sierra Leone Police Force, with rollout across all ministries, departments and agencies to take place at a later date. The IFMIS forms part of the government's Institutional Reform and Capacity Building project, which is an essential part of the administration's programme to decentralise, improve financial management and reduce poverty in the country. The government will use FreeBalance software to manage budgeting, accounting and financial planning throughout the public sector. FreeBalance will also provide associated hardware and networking infrastructure for the project, as well as training and support services.

Brunei trains top brass in e-gov systems: Top government officials in Brunei are learning how to use new e-government systems. Leading officials, including deputies and senior administrative officers, from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) recently attended a training course on the use of PMO Online, an initiative that forms part of the government's drive towards creating a "paperless office." The training course aimed to provide participants with the knowledge and confidence to perform tasks using PMO Online, as well as help users adapt to a new work environment involving ICT tools. PMO Online enables users to organise meetings and appointments, hold e-conferences, and submit requests for leave of absence over the internet.

Autor: Sylvia Leatham

Quelle: ElectricNews, 12.01.2005

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