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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Ireland joins tsunami-detection project | Insight secures Irish software deal | UK online tax filing a hit | Danish website seeks foreign workers | Qatar eases exit permit process

Ireland joins tsunami-detection project: The Irish government is set to participate in a UN-backed project to devise an early warning system for tsunamis in Europe. An Italian plan to process non-stop seismic data from the seas around Europe was presented to an intergovernmental conference organised by UNESCO in Germany in recent days. Ireland's Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, Noel Dempsey said on Tuesday that the Government had decided to form an inter-departmental committee to draft proposals for the creation of the warning system. "Specific proposals for the implementation of the system will be brought to Government for approval later in 2007," said Minister Dempsey. A pilot version of the detection system is expected to go live by the end of 2007, with a full-scale programme due to be rolled out by 2011. The system will be based mostly on existing seismic and sea-level monitoring activities, which will be integrated into a regional system covering all European coasts from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean and the northeastern Atlantic.

Insight secures Irish software deal: Ireland's Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources has awarded a EUR900,000 contract to software testing firm Insight. Under a three-year deal, Insight will provide software testing and quality assurance services to the department. Although the contract was awarded under a public procurement process, the Irish firm has already been providing similar services to the department for over three years. "We had significant interest in tendering for this work and Insight presented a very comprehensive and competitive proposal," said Liam Kidd, principal officer at the department. He said the company's track record over the past three years was one of the deciding factors in awarding the contract. For more on this story see ENN.

UK online tax filing a hit: The UK's online tax return service is proving more popular than ever, with nearly 2.9 million people choosing to file online this year. Some 150,000 self-assessment returns were received by the Government in the 24 hours up to the 31 January deadline via the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) website, At its peak the site was processing more than 6,000 returns per hour, or more than 100 every minute. Online returns were up by 40 percent compared to last year's figures, according to Paul Gray, acting chairman of HMRC. "This huge growth in online filing shows that our customers are welcoming the accessibility and reliability of our online services," he said. Gray pointed out that the service offers a secure and convenient way to file, as well as immediate acknowledgement of filing and faster repayment if any money is owed. In the past year the HMRC has also launched an online attachments service, which allows agents to electronically submit supporting information along with the returns they file on behalf of clients.

Danish website seeks foreign workers: The Danish government has launched a new website aimed at helping foreign workers to find employment in the country, reports the Copenhagen Post. Denmark's Ministry of Employment has established a website,, to provide useful information to jobseekers across the Baltic region. The initiative is aimed at ensuring the Danish economy remains healthy, as unemployment levels have reached an all-time low and it is thought that some 100,000 jobs could be created if there were a sufficient supply of qualified workers, according to calculations by the Danish Confederation of Industries. The Ministry of Employment hopes the website can encourage communication between Danish employers and German, Polish and Swedish workers. The site is available in multiple languages and aims to provide a single contact point for jobseekers and employers. The ministry has launched an accompanying hotline to guide employers through the hiring process.

Qatar eases exit permit process: Qatar's Ministry of Interior is making it possible for companies and government agencies to issue exit permits for staff electronically and almost instantly. Exit permits are required for holders of work visas who wish to leave the country. The ministry, in association with State telecoms regulator ictQATAR, said the new online service is available from the Government's website, The permits can now be issued within seconds once they are signed electronically using a smartcard jointly issued by the ministry and ictQATAR. The smartcard is assigned to an authorised signatory within a government department or business and means that the signatory can approve exit permits from anywhere and at any time. In the past, users had to print exit permit application forms and get them signed and stamped manually. The e-service can be used to issue exit permits for single or multiple trips or for permanent leave.

Autor(en)/Author(s): Sylvia Leatham

Quelle/Source: ElectricNews, 14.02.2007

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