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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
UK government is top employer of IT contractors | London residents to trial 'Asbo TV' | Vietnam unveils e-government portal | South Carolina campaign information available online | IT outsourcing market set to grow in US

UK government is top employer of IT contractors: More than a quarter of IT contractors in the UK are now employed by the public sector, according to a survey by contractor services provider Giant Group. Over the last two years the Government has more than doubled its usage of freelance IT consultants, making it the largest employer of IT contractors in the country. The financial services sector, formerly the third-largest employer of IT contractors, is now the second-biggest user, according to the study. "The public sector has always been the poor relation in terms of its utilisation of temporary IT staff, but efficiency drives and increased scrutiny of major IT projects have persuaded civil servants of the necessity of bringing in private sector expertise," explained Matthew Brown, managing director of Giant Group. Brown warned, however, that the Government could end up competing with the financial services sector for the best IT staff in the future, as the Government continues to spend on IT and the City increases its security and compliance budgets.

London residents to trial 'Asbo TV': Residents of a London borough will be the first in the UK to test-drive "Asbo TV" in a scheme whereby live CCTV footage of neighbourhood streets will be broadcast on a dedicated television channel. Under a STG12 million government scheme, residents of Shoreditch will be offered a broadband connection along with a free set-top box, which will provide access to 55 digital channels, along with the CCTV channel. The new TV channel will enable viewers to compare people behaving in a suspicious manner with an on-screen "rogues' gallery" of local recipients of Asbos (anti-social behaviour orders). Viewers will also be able to report any anti-social or criminal behaviour to the police via an anonymous e-mail tip-off system. The scheme is being set up as part of the Government's 'New Deal for Communities' project, which aims to regenerate underprivileged areas around the country. Civil rights campaigners have criticised the initiative, however, calling it a waste of money and saying that it will encourage neighbours to spy on each other.

Vietnam unveils e-government portal: The government of Vietnam has officially launched its e-government web portal,, reports online newswire VietnamNet. The site, which will be rolled out in a number of phases, will eventually facilitate online transactions between government agencies and citizens and businesses. As well as providing information on government management and publishing economic and social reports, the site will help government agencies to share information and promote the country to foreign investors and visitors from abroad. The site, which will be available in English from September, will also feature live question-and-answer sessions with government officials and, in the second phase, will allow citizens to lodge motions with the government. "The site will help build greater trust from local residents in the government through promoting policy transparency and openness, as well as in clarifying the accountability of government agencies," said Doan Manh Giao, head of the Government Office, which developed the website.

South Carolina campaign information available online: Candidates running for constitutional offices in the state of South Carolina in the US are now able to file their campaign finance information electronically. Candidates can upload their campaign contribution and expenditure information, which is then made available for public viewing on the state's official website, The new method replaces a time-consuming procedure that involved filing paper forms with the South Carolina State Ethics Commission. Visitors to the site can conduct a search of filings by candidate or contributor name. "Putting this information on the internet for every South Carolinian to see is another important step forward in realising our goal of creating a more open and accountable government," said Governor Mark Sanford. The system is the first element in a move to create a comprehensive electronic filing system for the State Ethics Commission. An upgraded system that will include additional disclosure and reporting capabilities is tentatively scheduled for launch in early 2007.

IT outsourcing market set to grow in US: The US federal IT outsourcing market is expected to increase from USD12.2 billion in fiscal 2005 to USD17.6 billion by fiscal 2010, according to a report by market research firm Input. The almost 8 percent annual growth rate will be driven in part by the Office of Management and Budget's Lines of Business (LoB) initiatives. The LoBs include human resources management, financial management, grants management, case management, federal health architecture and IT security, and agencies will need to keep spending on outsourcing in order to meet the OMB's targets in these areas. "While not strictly centered on IT, the six initiatives will require entire business processes to be transferred from agencies [to other agencies specially designated as Centres of Excellence]," said Chris Campbell, senior analyst, federal market analysis for INPUT. "As a result, agencies will focus on transitioning major programmes out of their agency to a shared service provider."

Autor: Sylvia Leatham

Quelle: ElectricNews, 19.01.2006

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