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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

Since the confinement and due to the coronavirus pandemic, a large part of the municipal administrative procedures they had to be done via the Internet. This greatly accelerated the procedures of this type and what is wanted is that digitization advances and all the procedures of the city council, among others, are thus by 2021. With these improvements it is possible to save time and reduce travel.

The total investment is around 15 million euros, which will begin to be spent throughout this year with numerous tenders.

To begin to advance in this sense, the Seville City Council has installed the new corporate network Hipalnet, which will have 140 kilometers of fiber optics, to which more than a hundred municipal buildings with 15,000 points and 5,700 fixed voice extensions will be connected.

The investment has amounted to 9.4 million euros and all of this to streamline procedures and fully enter digitization has been awarded in different lots to the companies Telefónica, Orange, Vodafone and Emergya.

The Data Processing Center (CPD), which will host all the servers that depend on municipal management. Its tender budget is 750,000 euros and it will be definitively awarded in September because it is expected to be launched in April 2021. A growing purpose for the municipal administrative procedures.

There are more measures, for example the extension of wifi networks with 32 new points that will be contracted in August and throughout September. The planned investment is 2.24 million euros and the first modules are expected to be operational in January 2022.

While the Seville City Council also specifies the smart city project to provide all venues with an e-commerce platform. The proposal ranges from design to implementation and deployment of this platform and its associated services in order to boost retail.

There is more because it is also in the pipeline equip the Alcázar with a technological tool to control and distribute visitor flows. And an augmented reality guide and reconstructions will be developed with the incorporation of 5G technology.


Quelle/Source:, 26.04.2021

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