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Wednesday, 3.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Open source software is used for mission critical services by Andalucia's land and property registry, Emprasa Publica de Suelo de Andalucía. EPSA is using Red Hat's Jboss middleware and application server for some of its core services, including the management of subsidy requests and for the portal for searching real estate.

An English case study on EPSA's use of open source software will be published soon by Red Hat. The Spanish text appeared already online at Muy Computer Pro, a Spanish IT news site, on 16 January.

According to the case study, the public administrations started using Red Hat's software and services in 2008. During the next two years, EPSA built an e-government service platform on top the JBoss software. This is Red Hat's middleware, which allows enterprise applications to run smoothly by managing security and balancing the demands made by the application and its users, automatically distributing workload over several machines. The open source firm writes that it took two developers just one month to build EPSA's new service application.

Based on numbers supplied to Red Hat by EPSA in November 2010, EPSA's newly created solution "processed 14,000 online user requests and 29,000 registered contracts." The company could over the past week not detail the time period in which these numbers were reached, nor could it provide more recent numbers.

No vendor lock-in

According to the case study, one of the motives for EPSA to replace a mix of enterprise Java systems by open source solutions is to eliminate vendor lock-in. The land registry wants "the freedom to choose from among several IT suppliers", the company writes.

Unifying its Java application platform is also intended to increase stability and performance, the company writes. This should make administration and support easier. "EPSA set out to unify its web applications' infrastructure onto a single instance to guarantee improved performance and scalability."

EPSA this week confirmed that the system is running to satisfaction. The publication of the case study was delayed more than EPSA and the software maker intended, the source said, for reasons outside their influence. "However, we're really satisfied with the results of this implementation, which continues to run to this day without problems. We consider this a success. We want to contribute this reference study to the community, hoping it is useful to others."

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Autor(en)/Author(s): Gijs Hillenius

Quelle/Source: joinup, 01.02.2013

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