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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Government of the Navarra Region in Spain has decided to share its 'Justice Management system’ (Avantius), a document management system (DMS) tailored to judicial documents. The system is already used in courts in Navarra and Cantabria. Two more autonomous regions, the Regions of Galicia and La Rioja, are considering its use.

It has, however, not yet been decided if the system will be published under an open source licence or not. The Navarra Government is considering several options for sharing the software in question.

The ‘Justice Management’ system was presented to Spain's Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, when he met with the regional government in Pamplona in March 2012.

"The offer is not politically motivated, our goal is solidarity between administrations", said Roberto Jimenez, Navarara's Vice President, in an official statement.

"Navarra has developed this system, tested it and improved it to perfection. Using it resulted in quantifiable savings", the Region's Ministry for the President, Public Administration and Home Affairs added. The Ministry hopes that by sharing ‘Justice Management’, all Spanish courts and legal offices will eventually embrace the system, afact that will be regarded as a breakthrough in their IT management.

According to the Regional Government, Navarra and Cantabria gradually began using ‘Justice Management’ in 2009. They now use it to manage more than 138 000 court documents and more than 1.5 million annexes per year. It is being used by 49 courts and by a totality of 650 users including judges, magistrates and prosecutors. The DMS has helped obtain savings of up to €350 000 annually on paper, envelopes, copies and secure delivery. "It is also saving our judicial officers some 38 000 hours per year, increasing their productivity and further reducing costs", conclude the responsible of the Regional Government.

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Autor(en)/Author(s): Gijs Hillenius

Quelle/Source: epractice, 06.06.2012

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