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Monday, 1.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
E-government is not usually considered sexy, which may be why this important topic has received little scrutiny. But first appearances aside, it could become problematic if ignored by those who believe in limited government.

Read more: USA: Beauty or Beast? One Sexy Issue

By The Environmental Protection Agency plans to launch a Web site Jan. 23 that will make it easier for the public to comment on proposed rules and regulations.

Read more: USA: E-rulemaking ready for launch

Senate appropriators have slashed $40 million from the $45 million fund earmarked to fulfill provisions of the new e-government law, which calls for coordinating electronic initiatives throughout government.

Read more: USA: Senators slash e-gov funding

On-line traffic-ticket payment is coming to Plano, allowing some residents to forego the long lines at municipal court.

Read more: USA: On-line ticket-paying to come to Plano

Several choices exist for taxpayers

You now have several choices in filing your federal income taxes, and many of them are free.

Read more: USA: Free tax filing picking up

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