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Friday, 5.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The customer is king.

As governments expand their online services, an international management consulting company is encouraging CIOs to embrace customer relationship management techniques to improve their programs.

Read more: USA: E-government should stress customer service, report says

The job of connecting citizens and businesses with the federal government isn’t done once federal portals, such as and, are up and running. Those meant to benefit from e-government projects must know about them, or the initiatives won’t be a success, Rep. Adam Putnam (R-Fla.) said today.

Read more: USA: More steps needed in e-government, Putnam says

How to take the next step in e-government portal services - including taxing, education and health-care records - is on the discussion agenda in the E-Town Theater sessions at FOSE’s first day.

Read more: USA: E-government, homeland security center stage at FOSE

Two Texas counties are currently piloting a Web-based filing system for state and local courts that will be jointly developed by BearingPoint Inc. and Microsoft Inc.

Read more: USA: Texas counties pilot online court filing system

Die amerikanische Bürgerrechtsorganisation ACLU ("American Civil Literties Union") hat nach einer neuerlichen Debatte im US-Congress noch einmal bekräftigt, dass das von der Regierung vorgesehene Projekt der "Total Information Awareness" TIA "unannehmbar, nicht umsetzbar und gefährlich für den Missbrauch durch diejenigen, die dazu Zugang haben" ist.

Read more: USA: Bürgerrechtler gegen totale Überwachung

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