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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Die Demokratische Volksrepublik Laos macht�s möglich: Ab sofort können Unternehmen und Einwohner der US-Metropole Web-Adressen mit der Endung .la registrieren lassen.

Read more: USA: Los Angeles mit eigener Top-Level-Domain

Agencies are not taking the steps Congress mandated in recent laws to beef up the government’s security of its computer networks and databases. Only a handful of agencies have written the reports and made the security evaluations these laws require, according to newly released government data.

Read more: USA: Computer Security Dilemma: Agencies Must Choose — Follow the Law or Fix the

The military health system’s Tricare Online program and the Tri-Service Infrastructure Management Program Office received E-Gov Awards for excellence in innovation yesterday during a ceremony honoring 50 government agencies. James Reardon, the military health system’s (MHS) chief information officer, said, “I am very pleased that these programs received recognition as best practice programs. This honor validates the department’s continued goal of being good stewards of the American taxpayer’s dollar, programs and protectors of health care information.”

Read more: USA: Military Health System Tech Programs Win 2003 E-Gov Awards

Web-based interactions is the future for the public sector.

Serving the public is the basic principle behind the government in the United States. Unfortunately, when it comes to customer service many citizens feel government lags behind private enterprises. Slow lines, out-of-date resources, long waits, and overburdened representatives are all symptomatic of the current public sector service crisis.

Read more: USA: Declaration of Customer Service

Los Angeles damit als erste Stadt mit eigener Top-Level-Domain | Nach Tuvalu und Samoa macht auch bitterarmes Laos seine TLD zu Geld

Read more: USA: LA kauft Laos Länder-Domain ab

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