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Wednesday, 26.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The expo - hosted at Pier 36 on May 22nd and 23rd - will showcase companies and leaders in government, tech, infrastructure, finance, equity, and climate building smarter, more sustainable cities

Smart City Expo USA today announced that its 2024 conference will be held in New York City on May 22-23 at Pier 36, with the support of the city. New York City Mayor Eric Adams, New York City Chief Technology Officer Matthew Fraser, and New York Economic Development Corporation CEO Andrew Kimball will all give remarks as part of the event.

Read more: Smart City Expo USA to Take Place in New York City and Feature Mayor Eric Adams

The term “smart city” was coined in the mid-2000s to describe an idealized blend of modern technologies, enlightened urban planning and broadly inclusive civic engagement. It’s a semi-utopian notion that draws on a deeply rooted human instinct for gathering together and creating shared spaces that provide safety, security, and comfort.

But what does it take for a city to become genuinely smart? The City of Bridgeport offers some intriguing clues. Despite a series of political, economic, and social challenges, the Park City is thoughtfully implementing innovative solutions that qualify it as a “smart city.”

Read more: US: Connecticut: Bridgeport is a ‘smart city’ — and is working toward a bright future

The Syracuse, N.Y., Office of Analytics, Performance and Innovation and its partnership with the Department of Public Works demonstrates the cascading effects of what happens when traditional services go digital.

There are few city services that touch as many residents where they live as trash and snow removal. And yet little of the smart city buzz features the blue-collar public works departments that provide those services. The approach and results of the Syracuse, N.Y., Office of Analytics, Performance and Innovation (API) and its partnership with the Department of Public Works demonstrate what happens when these traditionally non-technical agencies go digital.

Read more: US: Digitizing Trash, Snow Services in Syracuse, N.Y.

Over one million feet of network lines have been installed throughout the city.

A citywide fiber network created to connect Kenosha residents with lightning-fast, reliable, affordable internet will soon reach its first Kenosha homes, according to SiFi Networks officials.

SiFi Networks is the driving force behind Kenosha FiberCity. It privately funds and operates citywide, open-access Smart City-enabled fiber networks across the United States.

Read more: US: Wisconsin: Officials: Kenosha FiberCity set to reach first homes in the near future

36 municipalities recognized for success in leveraging emerging technology and innovation to support Smart City initiatives

IDC Government Insights named finalists this week in the seventh annual Smart Cities North America Awards (SCNAA). The awards were designed to recognize the progress North American municipalities have made in executing Smart Cities projects, as well as provide a forum for sharing best practices to help accelerate Smart City development in the region. Finalists include cities, states, counties, and universities.

Read more: Finalists Named in IDC Government Insights' Seventh Annual Smart Cities North America Awards

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