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Monday, 8.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

eXactpark smart parking platform will help improve parking access and traffic flow on UWM’s campus.

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has tasked eleven-x, a provider of smart city solutions, to improve the parking experience at its 104-acre main campus.

Eleven-x will deploy its eXactpark parking monitoring solution that combines sensor-based space occupancy monitoring, real-time data, and intelligent enforcement amongst other features.

Read more: US: Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee explores smart parking

City managers describe how their agencies alert residents about urban operations.

During a panel on urban operations at Smart Cities Connect Fall 2022, Dan Hoffman, city manager for Winchester, Va., described his biggest smart city challenge in keeping citizens informed.

“We still struggle with what people see on TV and in movies and what they experience in real life,” Hoffman said Tuesday at the conference outside Washington. D.C. “Most people don’t take the time to understand how the operations of a city work.”

Read more: US: Citizens Demand Immediate Data from Municipalities

The state aims to have 1 out of every 5 vehicles on its roads electric by 2030, yet less than 1 percent of registered vehicles in the state are EVs and just 10 school buses and eight public transit buses are electric.

With transportation the country's top source of greenhouse gases, policymakers and scientists say electrifying what people drive is crucial to heading off climate disaster — particularly the cars, SUVs and pickups that pump out the majority of the deadly emissions.

Read more: US: Minnesota and Its Long Road to Electric Vehicle Transition

From “cloud first” to “cloud smart,” public-sector agencies have been moving systems off-premises for years. CIOs reflect on what is in the cloud, what can be and what it takes to make the leap.

State and local IT leaders are galloping toward the cloud, whether they know it or not.

Thirty-seven percent say they moved on-premise infrastructure to public cloud this past year, according to the 2022 CompTIA Public Technology Institute (PTI) State of City and County IT National Survey. And 32 percent said that migrating systems and applications to the cloud will be a top priority in the next two years.

Read more: US: Everything as a Service?: Government and the Cloud

As broadband expansion efforts increase nationwide, digital equity advocates are working to ensure that urban communities are included. New federal funding opportunities are adding fuel to these efforts.

Urban communities face unique challenges in effectively gaining broadband access, which primarily involve affordability and literacy.

With the continuing rise of digital inclusion efforts nationwide, advocates are working hard to fill the gaps in rural communities through partnerships and other measures. And as government agencies plan for federal broadband distribution opportunities, there are steps to take to ensure digital inclusion efforts reach urban communities, those working in the space contend.

Read more: US: Closing the Digital Divide: Expanding Urban Broadband

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