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Friday, 18.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001

SL: Sierra Leone

  • Sierra Leone to use biometric voter registration

    Sierra Leone will be using biometric registration for the first time in its upcoming presidential, parliamentary and local council elections in November.

    The country’s National Electoral Commission decided on the use of the new system of registration.

    Registrants will have a picture taken and provide their thumbprints. This information will be used to make sure that there are no duplicated voters and ensure the integrity of the country’s voter registry.

  • DSTI Sierra Leone signs a new partnership with e-Governance Academy of Estonia

    The Government of Sierra Leone wants to use technology to transform Sierra Leone into an innovation nation; in this regard, its Directorate of Science, Technology, and Innovation (DSTI Sierra Leone) has secured a new partnership with the e-Governance Academy of Estonia (eGA). The eGA is a global leader for digital transformation for central and local governments.

    DSTI Sierra Leone and eGA have signed a three-year MoU to establish technical collaboration on e-governance for public service delivery and administration in Sierra Leone.

  • In Sierra Leone, Fibre-Optic Cable Finally Lands

    The long awaited seventeen thousand miles Fibre-Optic Submarine Cable from France has finally landed at the Lumley Beach in Sierra Leone on Monday 11th October 2011.

    Personally receiving the cable, His Excellency President of the Republic of Sierra Leone Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma expressed thanks to the World Bank for providing the funds for the project. He referred to the occasion as a great moment for Sierra Leone, adding that it’s a further sign of the ongoing transformation in Sierra Leone. He said the fibre-optic cable’s arrival in Sierra Leone will take the country from its limited satellite system of communication in which it operates on presently to a high-speed modern cable communication.

  • Sierra Leone plans telecenters to develop rural areas

    Sierra Leone is promoting multipurpose community telecenters (MCTs) for rural and undeserved areas to help kick-start development.

    "This project that is about to be launched fulfills one of the requirements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), since information and communications technology (ICT) has been recognized as an engine for growth," said Vice President Sam Sumana at a recent Freetown workshop organized to publicize the project.

  • Sierra Leone to use Chinese e-government system

    Sierra Leone's government, through the Ministry of Information and Communication, has approved the introduction of a Chinese e-government system, said Information Minister I.B. Kargbo on Thursday.

    The system comprises a fiber-optic network that will cover all government offices for communication within ministries, agencies and departments.

  • Sierra Leone: Minister Kargbo's speech at official launching of Ministry of Agriculture website

    The development of a website by the Ministry of Agriculture came in handy, as Government is gradually gravitating into establishing an E-Government infrastructure that will enhance efficiency and transparency in governance. Further, the Chairman of the National ICT Task Force, H.E the Vice President Chief Samuel Sam Sumana on behalf of H.E the President yesterday launched the draft ICT policy for Sierra Leone which demonstrates the importance Government places on information and Communications development.

  • Sierra Leone: Training is obstacle in pan-Africa telemedicine project

    As Sierra Leone prepares to launch its part of the Pan-African e-Governance Project on Nov. 3, a lack of qualified personnel looms as a major challenge.

    "There is still an ongoing process to identify personnel to be trained and work with the Indians (engineers) noting that they are only supporting the project for five years in terms of equipment and human resource," said Health and Sanitation Minister Sheku Tejan Koroma last week while briefing journalists on the current state of the Telemedicine Project -- the part of the broader pan-African plan in which Sierra Leone is participating.

  • SL: Natcom all set for ‘Big Data’ & Ebola International Meet

    Sierra Leone's National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM) is now all set for a two days Regional Ministerial Consultative Conference on Ebola slated to commence tomorrow 26 August 2015, at the Bintumani International Conference Centre, Aberdeen, Freetown. The conference is co-organized by the Government of Sierra Leone and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in consultation with the Governments of Liberia and Guinea. His Excellency President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, will officially launch the event which will receive in audience, Ministers of Information and Communications; Ministers of Health from over 20 countries; National Regulatory Authorities of the Telecom Sector in West Africa & beyond, UN Agencies, NERC, International NGOs, MDAs, Telcos, Facebook executives and more.

  • SL: NPPA introduces Electronic Procurement system

    In a bid to ensure an effective procurement system, the National Public Procurement Authority NPPA has on the 1st of March 2021 introduced the electronic procurement system to government, private and civil society organizations through a nationwide sensitization exercise in Kenema.

    The Project Manager of the facility at Ministry of Finance, Adams Tommy told the gathering that the government wants to implement the electronic government procurement process as a way of managing government resources. "NPPA wants to use electronic printing machines not human beings," he said.

  • SL: 'ICT Integral to Transforming' Nation - President Koroma

    President Ernest Bai Koroma has reckoned that information and communication technology (ICT) should be integral in his government's pursuit of transforming Sierra Leone.

    Officially launching the country's ICT advisory council, the president said: "ICT should be integral in our attempts to transform Sierra Leone and the advisory council must hit the ground running. We should live no stone unturned because there are great benefits."

    Koroma called on all stakeholders to provide the necessary guidelines for ICT activities, while pointing out that mobile penetration in the country currently stands at 35%.

  • SL: 'ICT Key to Boosting Economy in Post-Ebola Recovery'

    Information and communications technology is one of the important ways to boost the country's economy during the post-Ebola recovery, says Antonio Caramba-Coker, member of Growth Access Solution.

    She was speaking during a Private Sector Resilience, Recovery and Resurgence workshop hosted at the Sierra Lighthouse Hotel, Aberdeen in Freetown last week. She noted that efficient and effective delivery of government services through e-Government initiatives could potently benefit business and reduce costs.

  • SL: "No Biometric Machine disappeared in Tonkolili”- Electoral Commissioner

    One of the Commissioners of the National Electoral Commission, Steven Aiah Mattia, has dismissed reports that one of their biometric voter registration machines mysteriously disappeared in Tonkolili District.

    He described the reports as ‘misleading’ and mere ‘fabrication of lies.’

    Commissioner Aiah Mattia said the machine in Tonkolili had developed some problems and had to be taken to Freetown for repairs, adding that it was during this event that people thought that it had disappeared.

  • SL: E -Procurement to reduce reckless spending in Govt.

    In a bid to reduce reckless spending during procurement by the Government of Sierra Leone, an Information Communication Technology (ICT) system is to be developed to weed out weak paper base procurement procedures.

    The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development in collaboration with the National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) with support from the World Bank yesterday organized a one day conference on E-Government Procurement System at the Miatta Conference Hall in Freetown.

    Several stakeholders from the public and the private sector attended the E-Procurement conference on the theme “enhancing public procurement efficiency a case for E-Government procurement.”

  • SL: Gov’t can no longer afford Subsidies on Passports

    The Government of Sierra Leone has lamented that it can no longer afford to subsidise the cost of passports for its citizens. This was revealed at the launching the new e-passport (Biometric) for citizens at the Ministry of Internal Affairs Conference Hall at Gloucester Street, Freetown on Monday August 31st 2015. In his statement, the Minister of Internal Affairs, J. B. Dauda said government over the years has been investing heavily in the production of passports which resulted in subsidizing each passport purchased for only One Hundred thousand Leones by citizens with an additional top-up from government of a whopping Two Hundred Thousand Leones to the passport manufacturer. That was for the ordinary machine-readable passports. The country was now moving from machine-readable to the more sophisticated and expensive Biometric E-Passports.

  • SL: Information and Communications Ministry to launch fiber optic cable project tomorrow

    His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma will formally launch the West Africa Regional Communication Infrastructure Programme (WARCIP), (ACE Submarine Cable Project), on Friday 2nd September, 2011. The ceremony which is scheduled to take place at the Fibre Optic Landing Station along Lumley Beach, Aberdeen will attract Government Ministers, Parliamentarians, Civil Society organizations and members of the National ICT Council.

    The Programme will be chaired by Alhaji Ibrahim Ben Kargbo, Minister of Information and Communications who in June last year signed the ACE Construction and Maintenance Agreement in Paris on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone.

  • SL: Lack of Effective and Reliable Energy may undermine the usefulness of the Fiber Optic Cable

    Since 2009 when President Koroma approached the World Bank for their support so that Sierra Leone can be connected to rest of the world through submarine fiber optic cable. The World Bank wasted no time and supports the government of Sierra Leone with $31million dollars as loan. It has been said by the government that the said amount has been given to the Sierra Leone government as a grant so that the money the Sierra Leone government should pay to World Bank the country can used it to develop its ICT Sector.

    The cable has been landed received and commissioned by no less a person but President Ernest Bia Koroma. Since the landing of the cable many Sierra Leoneans both home and abroad are still asking why the landing of the cable is unable to improve the country’s ICT sector soonest.

  • SL: Parliamentary Committee on Information inspects fibre optic sites

    As part of its oversight functions, the Parliamentary Committee on Information and Communications last week toured the ECOWAS’ regional e-Governance network and the fiber optic facilities in the Western Area, the Bo highway, Makeni-Rogbere Junction, Port Loko and Lungi.

    The project is currently being managed by Sierra Leone Cable Limited (SALCAB) and HUAWAI and sponsored by the Government of Sierra Leone and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB).

  • SL: President Koroma launches e-Governance Platform

    Keynote address by His Excellency the President, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, at the launching of the e-Governance Platform for effective and efficient service delivery at the Miatta Conference Centre, Freetown, Thursday 24th March, 2016.


    Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Ladies and gentlemen,

    We live in a new world; a world that has become increasingly smaller and interconnected; we live in a world in which the needs of our citizens and the ways to address them have become more complex; we live in the world of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS). In this new world, physical boundaries are no longer an impediment to national development, information and knowledge are no longer restricted to a few privileged people, government and the private sector can no longer do business as usual. ICTs have led to a significant evolution in the pattern and posture of governance towards a more citizen-centric and result-oriented system.

  • SL: President Koroma launches ICT Advisory Council

    President Ernest Bai Koroma yesterday officially launched the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Advisory Council at the Miatta conference hall in Freetown.

    The Advisory Council comprises of policy makers, regulators, network operators, service providers, universities, civil society, and associations of consumers, private companies and the Chamber of Commerce.

    The ICT Advisory Council was created by the government on the recommendations of the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) to ensure a participatory approach for the development of the ICT sector. The Council shall formulate ICT objectives and implementation plans, develop national ICT standards and guidelines and monitor the implementation of policy plans and evaluating the results.

  • SL: President launches $25m ACE Submarine Cable Project

    On Friday afternoon, President Ernest Bai Koroma formally launched the $25 million West Africa Regional Communication Infrastructure Programme (WARCIP), (ACE Submarine Cable Project), at the Fibre Optic Landing Station along Lumley Beach, Aberdeen.

    The project will make communication cheaper and affordable for all, and hopefully, the cable will land on the 23 September and to be fully operational come July 2012.

    Delivering his keynote address, President Koroma said on 5th June 2010, he authorized the Minister of Information and Communications to sign the construction and maintenance agreement on behalf of government and the people of Sierra Leone to reinstate our commitment to landing the fiber optic cable in Sierra Leone by 2012. He added that in order to fast-track the process, “I approached the World Bank to assist in providing the required funds to meet our financial obligations to the consortium for the signing of the financing agreement of the WARCIP with the International Development Association”.

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