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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

RW: Ruanda / Rwanda

  • Rwanda: Software Procurement in E-Health to Be Simplified

    The Ministry of Health (MOH) in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) ,is holding a week-long meeting in Kigali, aimed at discussing ways of simplifying procurement and operating of software used in e-health programs.

    According to the national e-health coordinator in the MoH, Dr. Richard Gakuba, the software that are used in e-health programs are most times difficult to operate hence leading to problems in the systems.

  • Rwanda: We Can Make e-Health a Reality-Rector

    The Rector of Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) has called on all stakeholders in the e-health sector become a global reality.

    Addressing a workshop organised for e-Health Centre of Excellence stakeholders in Kigali yesterday, Prof. Abraham Atta Ogwu told participants that the centre is meant to help improve the health sector in the country.

  • Rwanda: $2 Million Investments Utilized for Tele-Medicine

    The use of ICT has been designated as one of the key enablers of transforming the local economy.

    Consequently the government has developed within its overall ICT architecture a component which caters for the use of ICT in boosting service delivery within the practice of medicine. Tele-medicine has been the ICT component developed by Rwanda Development Board's IT department to assist in this endeavor.

  • Rwanda: 18 More Telecentres to Boost Rural Access

    Rwanda Development Board's Information Technology has a directorate whose focus is enabling rural communities access basic ICT services for the purposes of boosting their levels of competitiveness.

    As part of this empowerment drive, RDB-IT has been installing rural telecentres throughout the country. It recently added 18 more telecentres under its community and rural access outreach programmes.

  • Rwanda: Agriculture Ministry To Go Online - Murekezi

    With effect from January next year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) will conduct its services online, the Minister for Agriculture, Anastase Murekezi, has said.

    He said his ministry is currently installing a telecommunications system to help identify and monitor the scale of agriculture production in the country.

    The system is to assist in online monitoring of crop production among the Rwandan society and where or how the government can intervene in case of harvest deficit, Murekezi said.

  • Rwanda: All District Hospitals to Be Connected in 2008

    Rwandans will have improved access to healthcare services after the installation of internet links to all main hospitals, the director of National e-Health Scheme, Dr Richard Gakuba, has said.

    Dr Gakuba says that major hospitals in all districts in the country will be equipped with better internet connection next year under the e-health scheme.

    The US' Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and the Global Fund are jointly financing the scheme, he said.

  • Rwanda: Better Health Care By Using ICT in Medicine

    Great strides are being made to improve health care services through the use of ICT.

    One of the most promising ICT development projects in RDB/IT division is the e-health project, which involves 3 main projects: the store and forward system, the tele-medicine video conferencing and the real time tele-medicine system.

    According to Nkubito Bakuramutsa, they have now reached the final stage of the store and forward system, which is ready for use.

  • Rwanda: Broadband Expansion Will Widen Health Coverage - Kagame

    President Paul Kagame said on Monday that the ongoing program to wire up Rwanda will ease health service delivery for its people - 'the vast majority' of who live in rural areas, RNA reports.

    "The increased bandwidth will allow us to send digital radiology images from district hospitals to experts in our capital Kigali, and outside the country", Kagame told an E-Health Conference in Italy.

    "Given that the overwhelming majority of our population lives in rural areas, this will allow many more patients to easily secure specialist opinion at significantly reduced cost."

  • Rwanda: Broadband rollout to improve healthcare

    Rwanda’s news agency reports that President Kagame has said that the ongoing broadband rollout program will ease health service delivery for its rural people.

    “The increased bandwidth will allow us to send digital radiology images from district hospitals to experts in our capital Kigali, and outside the country”, Kagame told an E-Health Conference in Italy.

    “Given that the overwhelming majority of our population lives in rural areas, this will allow many more patients to easily secure specialist opinion at significantly reduced cost.”

  • Rwanda: Country Introduces Online Passport Tracking

    Rwandans can now fill in passport application forms online and track them on the internet to find out whether they are ready or not.

    The Rwanda Immigration and Emigration website also has downloadable visa forms in portable digital format (PDF).

    Visitors from as far as North America and Europe need not travel looking for the nearest Rwandan Embassy, the whole process is summarised online at the click of a mouse and a print out will grant one an authorised entry facility into the central African country. Surfer applicants can use either the English or French versions.

  • Rwanda: E-Government Projects to Benefit From Fund

    The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of eRwanda project Wilson Muyenzi, has said that the government of Rwanda has set aside US$38m (Rwf20.9b ) for the whole national fiber optic connectivity.

    According to Muyenzi, the World Bank approved $24m (Rwf13.2b) to boost the fiber optic connectivity by creating on-line information access.

    "The money will include buying bulk capacity from the coast and other related necessities to have the last mile connectivity deep down in rural areas," Muyenzi said in an interview.

  • Rwanda: Fibre Cable On By December

    The Rwanda government says it will have a complete fibre optic network across the country by December.

    The government is building the national fibre optic cable of 2,300 kilometres across the country.

    The cable shall connect over 230 institutions in all 30 Districts and all the 9 Rwandan borders with the main cities.

    The infrastructure will support various e-applications such as ehealth, e-education and other government applications.

  • Rwanda: Government Launches Digital Public Information Kiosks

    People seeking service from public servants in different institutions in Rwanda will be able to check basic information online using booths that government is installing at several sites.

    The plan's kick off was marked by the installation of the first public information kiosk at Kigali International Airport on Friday.

    The programme will equip major government institutions with public information kiosks as part of its e-government project, a plan that aims to develop using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in public service delivery.

  • Rwanda: Govt Tenders to Go Online

    The government will start advertising public tenders on the internet beginning next year, Finance and Economic Planning minister, James Musoni, has said. Musoni said this was in line with the government's policy of transparency and faster services. He was speaking yesterday at Hotel Intercontinental, during an interactive meeting between several government officials and the visiting Chief Executive Officer of the Development Gateway Foundation (DGF), Mark Fleeton. In his presentation, Fleeton highlighted some of the new technological systems such as dgMarket (digital market) that eases transparence and saving for government procurements, Aid management platform which is a web-based information sharing system that captures and streamlines aid management processes between developing countries and donors.
  • Rwanda: Govt to Constitute New ICT Body

    As part of its wide information technology reforms, the government is soon set to replace the Rwanda Information Technology Authority (RITA) with the National Information Communication Technology (NICT) as the overseer in the execution of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) plan from 2006 to 2010.

    The ICT Advisor in the President's Office Pius Ndayambaje made the revelation during an ICT validation workshop on the implementation of E-Government Strategies and Action Plans for Rwanda at the Hotel Novotel Umubano.

  • Rwanda: Green City Kigali: inside Africa's first sustainable city

    Green City Kigali, a multi billion dollar project, is set to become Africa's first green city and Rwanda's pilot towards sustainable urbanisation.

    By 2060, the share of Africa's population residing in urban areas will be 60 percent - up from 36 percent in 2010. This process of urbanisation is set to put more pressure on basic infrastructure, including housing, sanitation and healthcare among others. The situation is being exacerbated by climate change, which has occasioned flooding and dry spells in equal measure.

  • Rwanda: High Expectations for Broadband

    Costs of Internet broadband in the country are expected to reduce from $3,000 to $25 for each Megabyte per second

    Information Communication and Technology (ICT) can dramatically improve the quality and availability of public services, World Bank Country Manager Victoria Kwakwa said recently.

    In her remarks Kwakwa, highlighted that nearly two-thirds of Africa's population now lives within the range of a mobile network from close to zero.

  • Rwanda: ICT Stakeholders Call for Stronger Collaboration

    A meeting bringing together stakeholders from various segments of the society was held yesterday in Kigali with participants urging for closer collaboration on ICT issues by all players.

    The meeting, which attracted participants from the ICT sector, government and civil society, aimed at discussing present and future challenges associated with the use of the internet.

    Speaking at the forum, Ignace Gatare, the Minister in Charge of ICT in the Office of the President, said that the country is putting much effort in accelerating the rollout of strategic broadband infrastructure.

  • Rwanda: ICT to aid in disaster awareness

    In a bid to make its citizens more ICT versatile, the Rwanda’s Ministry of Disaster and Refugee Management have launched an ICT driven approach where they are giving sectors interned based cell phones to be used to communicate better upon the strike of a disaster.

    Darla Rudakubana, the ministry’s communications specialist commented that the cost of the entire project amounted to $164,000.

    She further explained that the scheme would seek to distribute handsets at sector level and smart phones at district level and this action will lead to better reporting and response from the authorities.

  • Rwanda: ICT Vital for Vision 2020 Success - Kagame

    President Paul Kagame has underlined the importance of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in realizing the Vision 2020 Strategy. Kagame, who was Friday, May 5, opening a three-day 6th ICT Africa Investment Ministerial Summit at Hotel Intercontinental in Kigali, said that the country will shift from an agricultural to a knowledge-based economy, capable of reversing the problems afflicting the country. Kagame said that the government launched an aggressive ICT Policy in 2001 to accelerate the development of ICT infrastructure.
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