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Monday, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

IL: Israel

  • Privacy or smart city? Israeli startup RoadSense says we can have both

    Without compromising on privacy sacrifice, Israeli startup RoadSense doesn't even need a camera to get actionable insight out of the deals...

    Let’s face it, the smart city concept is no longer a pipe dream made for the movies, but an actuality that can be implemented in almost any city. Imagine a scenario where urban malfunctions are dealt with in real-time, the city learns how to optimize itself for the better of its citizens.

  • US: NY trying to build the post-COVID smart city, turns to Israeli innovation for solution

    As cities look to the post COVID-19 future, New York recruits Israeli startups for Smart City solutions, as US-Israel tech bond grows even stronger...

    The global pandemic has shed a light on the strength of relationships and cooperation: many relationships have become strained, but some are strengthened by this challenge. The most vital business relationship is that between the Israeli tech ecosystem and the United States. US-Israel cooperation has only strengthened during this period, particularly with places like New York State that have felt the brunt of the pandemic. New York City is a resilient city and is looking at the ‘day after’ as we enter the ‘new normal’; the world’s economic center will rebound from this pandemic, which has impacted it in a way even 9/11 did not.

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