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Freitag, 18.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
Individualisierte Medizin, in Fachkreisen bekannt als "personalized medicine", heißt das Zauberwort einer ganzen Branche: Im Mittelpunkt steht die Verbindung von IT und Gentechnikanwendungen, die unter anderem eine gezielte Logistik von maßgeschneiderten Medikamenten (Pharmakogenomik) für den Patienten erlauben sollen. Folgt man den in der Washington Post geschilderten Visionen von G. Steven Burrill, der sich in den USA einen Namen in jener Sparte der neueren medizintechnischen Industrie gemacht hat, die sich auf Ergebnisse der Lebenswissenschaften stützt, so gehen Patienten künftig zum "Superstore" statt zum Hausarzt.

Weiterlesen: Gesundheitscheck beim Superstore statt beim Hausarzt

Healthcare delivery is critical, and advancements in this field are expected to maximize patient safety, increase efficacy rates, yield faster response times, improve diagnosis, and enhance quality of healthcare. Integration of information technology solutions and increased penetration of insurance initiatives are expected to foster effective delivery of healthcare services.

Healthcare industry includes establishments involved in healthcare, medical and surgical services, associations engaged in providing medical services, and the healthcare insurance sector. Healthcare delivery is witnessing unprecedented changes, with the influx of information technology (IT) and telemedicine, particularly in developing countries. Enhancement of IT standards is one of the key factors driving increased adoption of IT in the healthcare sector. Increased focus on lowering overhead costs, better protocols, and process optimization are expected to address major challenges such as integration and interoperability in healthcare IT industry.

Weiterlesen: IT to Revolutionize Delivery of Healthcare Services

Service providers are in a unique position to enter the e-Health space, which will grow to serve over seven million people in the U.S. and Europe by 2012, according to a new white paper from Parks Associates. These consumers range from seniors with chronic conditions to younger consumers who want to self-manage their personal health.

e-Health Opportunities for Global Service Providers, released today on the research firm's Website, outlines strategies and opportunities for service providers in e-Health, a term that refers to advanced healthcare technologies and electronic delivery of medical services. e-Health offers revenue opportunities for service providers in both the enterprise and consumer markets.

Weiterlesen: e-Health Offers Service Providers Opportunities to Serve Over Seven Million People by 2012

Dienstleistungsanbieter, on- und offline, sollten derzeit einen Einstieg ins eHealth-Geschäft in Betracht ziehen, so eine Studie. So könne man vom wachsenden Interesse an Gesundheitsthemen profitieren.

Ein wachsendes Informationsbedürfnis für gesundheitliche Themen und die mit dem demografischen Wandel einhergehende zunehmende Notwendigkeit von intelligenten Pflegedienstleistungen lassen gute Geschäfte im eHealth-Sektor erwarten. Dies hat die US-Marktforschungsagentur Parks Associates in einer Studie festgestellt. Fortschrittliche Medizintechniken und die elektronische Zustellung von medizinischen Dienstleistungen lassen neue Märkte für Dienstleister, Entwickler und Händler im Gesundheitssektor entstehen.

Weiterlesen: Lohnender Einstieg ins eHealth-Geschäft

  • Common Health Interoperability Framework for improvements in patient quality of care, safety and access to health records
  • Collaboration between national healthcare and standards organizations, academia, vendors and open source community
  • First contribution of open source software from UK National Health Services
  • Based upon neutral, international standards and open source development models
  • Governance and business model similar to Eclipse Foundation software platform along with a set of exemplary tools and reference implementations

Weiterlesen: Tri-Continental Foundation of Experts to Collaborate on Global Health IT Solutions

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