Heute 185

Gestern 1136

Insgesamt 39539479

Samstag, 21.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Department for Transport is seeking support for public transport data standards.

In a public tender notice, the organisation said that in the past it had commissioned the creation of a small number of public transport data standards for use by the wider transport data community.

"These standards are used for sharing information in a consistent format for stops, localities and services, and a separate standard has also been created for cycling data," an ITT statement of requirements document reads.

Weiterlesen: GB: Department for Transport seeks support for public transport data standards

Study praises Whitehall’s Gov.uk website platform

Public sector IT projects are six times as likely to run over budget than those in the private sector, it is claimed.

They are also 20 per cent more likely to run over schedule, according to a joint study conducted by consulting firm McKinsey and Oxford University.

Weiterlesen: GB: Public sector IT projects ‘doomed to break budgets’

The government wants to nurture cyber security skills in the UK and aims to encourage more people into the sector, Minister for the Cabinet Office Francis Maude MP has said.

Maude made the comments at an event to highlight cyber skills that marked the third anniversary of the UK's Cyber Security Strategy. During the speech at the Institute for Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW), Maude also announced measures to encourage people to acquire cyber security skills.

Weiterlesen: GB: Government: 'We want more people to develop cyber security skills'

David Davis MP is commenting on the strict "no cameras" signs up all over Parliament - even though smartphones, which all have good cameras built-in these days, obviously aren't banned: "It's bonkers. I took a photograph in the [chamber of the] House of Commons just the other day with my phone. Technically, it's a breach of the rules, but so what? If you can break the rules, you will," he says.

Unlike many MPs these days, Davis had a proper career prior to going into politics, which took him from studying a joint degree in computer science and molecular science at the University of Warwick - in the early 1970s, back in the days of punch-card data entry - to a number of senior executive roles at sugar company Tate & Lyle, including a stint as IT director.

Weiterlesen: GB: Personal data should become private property, not Google's or GCHQ's, says David Davis MP

The government should 'urgently deliver' an amended identity assurance scheme, publish data on the performance of public bodies and bring local authorities on board the digital by default programme. These are among the recommendations of a wide-ranging and often provocative vision for 'a new kind of digital government' commissioned by the Labour Party.

Although written to catch the eye of Labour's manifesto team, the review is much more than a partisan attack - several proposals, mildly rebranded, could become policy whoever is in government after next May.

Weiterlesen: GB: Labour ponders 'new kind of digital government'

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