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Dienstag, 2.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The expected global market size for smart cities is $1.565 trillion (cumulative) by 2020, out of which smart governance is expected to be about 12% – $180 billion. The market for electronic government services is especially strong in emerging countries which are racing to modernize their public sector and transform citizen service delivery. International institutions like the World Bank, IMF, ADB etc., are encouraging emerging countries to become efficient, transparent and accountable, and are providing significant amounts of funding for their e-government initiatives. Furthermore in the North American market, there is a call for governments to modernize their systems to deliver better services in an integrated fashion with better efficiencies, while reducing their overall costs. Imex Systems Inc.’s offerings are capable of achieving these goals, as it provides all the pre-built components required in building an effective e-government.

Weiterlesen: CA: Building the next generation of smart governments and smart cities around the world

The City of Vancouver was recognized Tuesday night at the 2018 IT World Canada Digital Transformation Conference and Awards Ceremony in Toronto, winning in the Large Public Sector Transformation category for its Digital Strategy.

Vancouver is the first city in Canada to develop and implement a digital strategy and the first to hire a Chief Digital Officer. The four-year strategy, implemented in 2013 has seen the City go from having low digital maturity relative to other global cities to now being a template and model for cities around the world looking to take their digital footprint to the next level.

Weiterlesen: CA: City of Vancouver wins national award for digital strategy

A policy that allows provincial government employees to instantly know they are dealing with status Indians is now being reviewed, after inquiries made by APTN Investigates.

Eleanore Sunchild, a Cree lawyer from the Thunderchild First Nation whose office is located in Battleford, Sask., says the policy may have affected the jury selection process in the trial of Gerald Stanley.

Weiterlesen: CA: Saskatchewan health card policy raises new questions about Gerald Stanley jury selection

Current’s CityIQ platform will help Canada’s cities gain insights into parking, traffic, public safety and air quality

Nokia is partnering with Current, powered by GE, with the aim of improving operational infrastructure in cities across Canada and to deliver new services to citizens.

Weiterlesen: Smart city tech boost for Canada

The sudden retirement of its only family doctor in June has left the village of Apsley, Ont., searching for a new physician.

For residents of the community north of Peterborough, the nearest doctor is now a 100 to 120-kilometre round trip south to either the village of Lakefield or Peterborough. A challenging commute for many residents including Rachel Thuston, the mother of a two-year-old child.

Weiterlesen: CA: Ontario: Is there a doctor in the village? Search for physician continues in Apsley as...

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