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Montag, 28.10.2024
Transforming Government since 2001
As the business of government, like that of the rest of the world, increasingly is done digitally, managing official records becomes more important. It isn’t only the volume of information that’s changing; oversight required to manage electronic records also is also increasing.

“Government records officers have a huge challenge,” said L. Reynolds Cahoon, chief information officer for the National Archives and Records Administration. “As more federal records are created electronically, [records managers] need to work with analysts and business process designers to build records management right into the business processes as they’re being designed.”

Weiterlesen: USA: E-records Solutions evolve — as do the demands

The national health IT czar says development of interoperability standards will spark demand for electronic health records (EHRs). But health care providers have been slow to adopt EHRs and other health IT because they are unable to share data with other providers.

Yet this adoption gap provides an opportunity to develop national interoperability standards before too many providers have invested in health IT, said David Brailer, the national health IT coordinator based in the Health and Human Services Department.

Weiterlesen: USA: Health IT czar urges quick standards development

Das Office of Management and Budget wird alle Bundesbehörden demnächst anweisen, bis spätestens 2006 eine Inventarliste der IPv6-fähigen Systeme anzufertigen und bis 2008 die Netzwerke auf das neue IPv6-Protokoll umzustellen. Dies geht aus der gestrigen Anhörungen von Regierungs- und Industrieverteteren vor einem Ausschuss des US-Kongresses sowie einem Bericht des Governement Accountability Office (GAO) hervor. Besonders interessant sind für die US-Behörden dabei die Sicherheitsfunktionen und eine bessere Integration von mobilen Überwachungssensoren. Laut Aussage des Ausschussvorsitzenden Tom Davis trage die intelligent vernetzte Datenerfassung zur optimalen Homeland Security bei.

Weiterlesen: US-Bundesbehörden sollen bis 2008 auf IPv6 umstellen

Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman was joined recently by Secretary of State John Gale to unveil the next generation of the official Web site for the state of Nebraska. The launch of Nebraska.gov is the fourth redesign in 10-year history of the state's official Web presence.

Available at www.Nebraska.gov, the new portal offers an easy-to-remember name and an enhanced, more accessible design aimed at easing the strain of locating information on state government and services visitors to the site need.

Weiterlesen: USA: Nebraska Governor and Secretary of State Unveil New Official State Web Site

For the second year in a row, Nevada County has taken second place in its population category in the Digital Counties Survey, an annual study by the Center for Digital Government (Center) and National Association of Counties (NACo). In recognition of their work and innovations, the survey's top-10 digital counties will be showcased and honored at a national awards ceremony in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Nevada County's eGovernment effort belies its small size and rural-to-frontier geography. The County continuously embraces advanced technologies, attracting high technology firms looking for a cleaner and more relaxed environment for some of their more specialized employees.

Weiterlesen: USA: Nevada County is Among the Nation’s Top 10 Digital County Governments

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