Heute 1562

Gestern 2175

Insgesamt 40005137

Donnerstag, 13.03.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

SAARC: South Asian Association for Regional Coop.

  • Cabinet Secretary of India calls for bench marking of public services in SAARC region

    The Cabinet Secretary of India, Shri K.M. Chandrashekhar has called for bench marking of public services in the SAARC region and to make them user friendly by adopting e-governance. He said that because of commonality of culture, administrative experience and other features joint efforts should be made to identify the services to be delivered and third party evaluating mechanism should be adopted. Inaugurating the SAARC Workshop on e-Governance here today, the Cabinet Secretary stressed on pooling of experiences in the field of ICT enabled service delivery. He said, this would definitely bring about sea changes in administration and service delivery mechanism. He said that there is a vast area of cooperation exists among the countries in the region. Attempts should, therefore, be made to maximise success in government programmes and to overcome areas of weakness.

  • India: Telemedicine centre in Chandigarh extends reach to SAARC nations

    Overcoming initial challenges, telemedicine—medical care to patients at a distance —has started gathering pace at Chandigarh’s Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER). The premier institute, which is linked to all the major hospitals in the region since the launch of the project in 2005, is now extending its reach to needy patients in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) nations.

  • SAARC countries: Region's top bureaucrats eye better ties

    When a new batch of civil service officers go to the Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre in Savar next year, they may well be joined by a number of young would-be-bureaucrats from India, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal Bhutan and Maldives.

    Bangladesh Civil Service rookies may in turn rub their shoulders with the fresh entrants to Indian bureaucracy at the elite Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration in the picturesque hill-station Mussoorie, some 300 kilometres from New Delhi.

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