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Montag, 16.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

HR: Kroatien / Croatia

  • HR: ePrescribing system to be implemented across country by end of January 2011

    Since 3 January 2011, paper prescriptions for medicines have been replaced with electronic prescriptions in the counties of Lika-Senj (central Croatia) and Međimurje (northern Croatia). By the end of January 2011, all counties across Croatia are expected to switch to ePrescriptions.

    In practice, the switch from paper to an electronic prescribing system requires the prescriber to transmit electronically prescription information via computer to that of the pharmacist. Patients can then get their medicines simply by using their medical card. The introduction of ePrescriptions will continue on 17 January 2011 in other counties and will end on 31 January 2011 when Zagreb County and Zagreb City will also connect to the system.

  • HR: First eHealth services to be made available as from January 2011

    From 1 January 2011 Croatia will start the implementation of its eHealth policy.

    Starting on 1 January 2011 patients will be able to schedule doctors' appointments online; moreover, all paper referrals, prescriptions and test results will be replaced by electronic forms.

    In the beginning only primary care will be linked to an integral information system; the rest of the operations of all healthcare institutions are expected to be completed within the next year [2011].

  • HR: Launch of the eCitizens project

    On 25 April 2013, Milanka Opačić, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Policy and Youth along with the Assistant Minister at the Ministry of Public Administration, Darko Parić, presented the eCitizens project.

    In the light of this initiative, Ms Opačić said that this is the first government in 23 years that started to electronically integrate government data from several information systems into a single one. She also emphasised that the Ministry will provide around HRK6 billion (approx. €791 million) out of its budget for the computerisation of certain licenses and specific computer programs.

  • HR: Smart City Hub Zagreb: Transparent City Budget for Croatian Capital

    First came transparent Bjelovar, and now after years of Milan Bandic being, well, let's say ''less than transparent'' about where and how the City of Zagreb's money is spent, new mayor Tomislav Tomasevic is introducing the Smart City Hub Zagreb, which will openly show how the capital's cash is spent.

    As Novac/Jutarnji/Hina writes, on Wednesday, Zagreb Mayor Tomislav Tomasevic presented the Smart City Hub Zagreb, the goal of which is to unite all different types of applications and information from various city offices in one place, and one of the novelties is the Open Budget of the City of Zagreb.

  • HR: Split gets ready to launch its own Smart City Platform

    The platform will allow citizens to take advantage of quick and easy two-way communication between themselves and local authorities

    The contract for the project of creating a Split Smart City platform that will represent the digital transformation of city services and enable citizens quick and easy two-way communication with city services via mobile and web application was signed earlier last week by Mayor Andro Krstulović Opara and Vice President for Corporate Sales and ICT Services in Croatia Telekom Marijana Bačić.

  • HR: Supetar launches e-services municipal platform

    Over the course of a year, Supetar has managed to substantially boost its smart city capabilities

    Smart municipal services have been all the rage for cities across Europe during the last few months. The coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns and suspension of face-to-face meetings and exchanges forced many cities to quickly adopt new technologies and to turn their attention to improving their already existing offers.

  • HR: World Bank Continues to Help Improve Land Administration Systems and Modernize the Port of Ploce

    The World Bank Board of Executive Directors today approved two loans to the Republic of Croatia, the Integrated Land Administration Project in the amount of EURO 16.5 and an additional financing loan for the Trade and Transport Integration Project in the amount of EURO 50 million. Both loans are building on previous successful projects.

    The Integrated Land Administration Project (ILAS) is a follow on project to the successful Real Property Registration and Cadastre project which helped the Ministry of Justice, the State Geodetic Administration and Land Registry Offices to successfully complete the first phase of the reform of the land registry and cadastre. It simplified procedures, improved efficiency of services, reduced backlogs, increased transparency and access to information and developed joint procedures and a common land database under the Joint Information System (JIS). All of these reforms have been important in improving tenure security and strengthening the land administration system which are both crucial for speeding up the reform of the judiciary and public administration, the fight against corruption and doing business.

  • Kroatische Regierung setzt auf Open Source

    Kroatien setzt in Zukunft auf Open Source. Medienberichten zufolge will die kroatische Regierung Open-Source-Software für den Einsatz in der staatlichen Verwaltung entwicklen und einsetzen. In einem offiziellen Dokument erteile die Regierung entsprechende Direktiven und Empfehlungen, ohne allerdings konkrete Anforderungen zu formulieren oder einen Zeitrahmen vorzugeben.
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